Theme: Living Out Our Faith

Good evening Brothers and Sisters,

I attach the second study in our Quarter 3 Series on Living Out our Faith.  The topic is “Trusting God Against All Odds and the main text is Daniel 2:1-23.

The key learning points are:

1.           It is God who gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.   He reveals secret things and knows what is in the darkness (Daniel 2:21-22).  Looking elsewhere is unbelief and a dangerous waste of time. 

2.           Those who fear God need not fear the authorities over them even furious, vengeful kings.  They can be bold and act with counsel and wisdom because they serve a greater King (Daniel 2:14-16) 

3.           God grants mercy to those who ask Him in faith (Daniel 17 -19; Hebrews 4:16)

Yours in His service

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