Theme: James: Faith in Action


Trust this finds you well.

Our series on faith in Action is digging deeper. We are moving from the general to specifics today as we focus on the topic: “Treating People Equally.” Just the thought of that in a highly segregated society as ours can seem like a joke. But see attached outline for your further reference.

Key Learning Points:
1. Treating people equally means giving the same level of respect to everyone regardless of race, social status, gender, physical or mental abilities, etc. And this is only possible through genuine faith in God. Partiality is an abomination because of the faith we hold. James said it is sin.
2. The principle behind treating people equally stems from the fact that God created everyone equally in His image. God shows compassion on all He has made, and He is good to all He has made. He even makes the sun rise on the evil and the good. God shows no favoritism, and we are called to imitate Him.
3. The royal law, you shall love your neighbor as yourself, is the antidote to favoritism. Better still, Jesus said, love one another as I have loved you.

Saved by the same Blood of Jesus.


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