Theme: Living out our Faith – A Study of the Life of Daniel

Topic: God’s Revelation of the End Time

Main Text: Daniel 8:1-27

Key verse: Daniel 8:19 “And he said, “Look, I am making known to you what shall happen in the latter time of the indignation; for at the appointed time, the end shall be.”


The Book of Daniel provides an account of how one man and his close circle of friends who were taken into Babylonian captivity and forced to live in a godless and corrupt society, stood strong in their faith in God, despite the social pressures, temptations and trials. In return, God rewarded them with exceptional wisdom and ability, as well as the continued assurance of His presence and power at work in their lives. In a series of dreams and visions, God showed Daniel, whom He had given the ability to interpret dreams, what was to come in the months and years ahead, so that the people might take heed and re-align their lives accordingly. In chapter 8 of Daniel, Daniel is shown a vision of a time when Israel would suffer great oppression and the temple of God would be desecrated. This was to be a foreshadowing of another time of severe persecution known as ‘the tribulation’ (Matthew 24:15-28), when the world will experience a period of divine judgments, celestial disturbances, natural disasters, and terrible plagues during the reign of the Antichrist (Revelation 6-16).

Q1. Read 1 Thess. 5:4; John 14:29 (1a) Why did God show Daniel the vision of the Ram and the Goat? (1b) What was Daniel’s response to the vision and interpretation, and why do you think he responded this way? (Read Daniel 8:27; 7:15, 28) (1c) As believers, what should our response be to the revelation of what is to come in the end times? (Read 1 Thess. 5:6-8, 11; 1 Peter 4:7-11; Romans 13:11-14).

Paragraph 2:

For many years, it has been said that “the end is near”. As far back as A.D. 62 to 64 when the book of 1 Peter is thought to have been written, Peter, addressing fellow believers said, “But the end of all things is at hand…” (1 Peter 4:7). That was over 1,960 years ago! Some have grown weary of waiting for this Second Coming, but Paul put it aptly in Romans 13:11, “for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed”. In other words, no matter how long Jesus’ return may seem to have tarried, with every day that passes, we are 1 day closer to the day of His return! With a careful look around us, we can see the signs that we are living in the end times. Darkness grows, tending towards gross darkness; the LGBTQ movement, same-sex marriages, corruption in government, kidnappings and killings, the proliferation of false prophets who preach prosperity messages and are clouded by greed, the pervasive culture of sexual immorality, the love of money, a falling away from the Way to secularism, rationalizing away the things of the Spirit, etc. But there is also a great manifestation of the power of God today, such as we have never seen before (Joel 2:28-30).

Q2. Read Habakkuk 2:3; 2 Peter 3:9 (2a) How would you respond to those who say they have grown weary of waiting for Jesus’ Second Coming? (2b) Read Daniel 8:24-25; Matt 24:14; Matt 24:15;Matt 24:21;Matt 24:24,29. Based on these passages, what are some of the milestones that will signal Jesus’ return? (2c) What advantages, if any, do believers today have over those who lived in Daniel’s time concerning these prophecies?

Paragraph 3:

When Jesus returns for His church, the Bible records that He will come like a thief in the night. That means it will be sudden, without notice or advance. We must therefore be in a state of constant readiness and be prayerful, knowing that the times ahead will become increasingly more difficult; the oppression more brutal; the temptations more irresistible; and the patterns of the world more convenient and appealing. When it feels like darkness is overcoming the light, we must take refuge in the knowledge that the God we serve changes the times and seasons and He rules in the kingdom of men. When Jesus the Righteous One comes, He will destroy Satan and all his works, and we will reign with Him in eternity.

Q3. Read Daniel 2:21; 4:17b (3a) What are the implications that God is in control of all that happens on the earth? (3b) How does knowing that God knows all things, even the end from the beginning, help your faith? (Read Isaiah 46:10-11; 48:5-6) (3c) Personal Reflection: What changes or new commitments will you make following this reminder of what is to come in the end times?

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that we are living in the last days. As we eagerly await the return of our Lord, Jesus Christ, help us to remain steadfast in You. Help us to keep our eyes focused on Jesus, trusting in His finished work on the cross. In Jesus Name, Amen.