wise – Victoria Fellowship Church https://victoriafellowshipchurch.org International And Interdenominational! Sat, 14 Oct 2023 18:18:10 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://victoriafellowshipchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/cropped-logo-vfc_nigeria-1-32x32.png wise – Victoria Fellowship Church https://victoriafellowshipchurch.org 32 32 Be Prepared and Wise https://victoriafellowshipchurch.org/be-prepared-and-wise/ https://victoriafellowshipchurch.org/be-prepared-and-wise/#respond Sun, 15 Oct 2023 05:00:00 +0000 https://www.victoriafellowshipchurch.org/?p=1656 Read more…]]> Theme: The Urgency of the Last Days

Good Evening Dear Brethren,

I trust that this email meets you well. 

Please find attached, the outline for this Sunday’s study. Thank you for your feedback from last week’s study. I am hopeful that the learnings have been factored into this study to make for more timely sessions on Sunday.

The Key Learnings from this week’s study are:

  1. Jesus is coming soon. We need to be ready, genuine and faithful in our walk with God no matter how long the Bridegroom seems to be taking.
  2. The Life of Christ in us gives light. We must keep the “oil in our lamps” by living in the Spirit, and not presume on our relationship with God. 
  3. Taking “holidays” or breaks from this Spirit-Led life or allowing distractions is dangerous as the timing of His coming is unknown. Let’s not assume that our pastor or prophet will alert us on time. 

God’s message to us in this season is clear. He wants us to be ready for His 2nd coming. With the help of the Holy Spirit, may we do well to heed His warning, in Jesus Name, Amen.

Have a blessed evening!

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