trials – Victoria Fellowship Church International And Interdenominational! Fri, 19 Apr 2024 20:18:06 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 trials – Victoria Fellowship Church 32 32 Strength Through Trials and Persecution Sun, 21 Apr 2024 05:00:00 +0000 Read more…]]> Theme: Strengthening our Faith

Good evening Brothers and Sisters,

Attached is the Bible Study Outline: “Strength through trials and persecution” which is the next in our Quarter’s series “Strengthening our faith.  The main texts are James 1:2-4 and ! Peer 3:8 -22 and the key learning points are:

  1. Trials and persecutions are part of the cross that Christians are called to bear. We should not only be prepared to live for Christ, but we should also be ready to go through trials and persecutions for our faith in HIM.
  2. We should count trials and persecutions ‘’pure joy’’ because, through them, God is strengthening our faith and causing us to grow and to bear the fruit of the Spirit.
  3. God is faithful. He will not allow us to suffer unnecessarily. If we suffer with Christ, we will also be glorified together with Christ.


Click here for online version

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Turning Trials To Triumph Sun, 03 Apr 2022 05:00:00 +0000 Read more…]]> Theme: James: Faith In Action


Happy new month and welcome to Q2 of 2022. Building on last quarter’s theme and objectives, our theme this quarter is ‘James – Faith in Action. We open the series with a look at ‘Turning Trials to Triumph.

Key Learnings:

1.      Trials will come in varied form, magnitude, and timing. These trials, different from severe persecutions, would include social rejection and exclusions, loss of economic or material opportunities, etc. They are painful, nonetheless. And whereas the world teaches that there is no joy in pain, God expects believers to be joyful when they pass through trials and temptations.

2.      The natural response to adversity is to escape it. But God uses trouble to mature His people. We can experience joy during trials if we focus on their purpose: Trials, wherever their origin, are the agents God uses to make us more mature and stronger in our faith.

3.     Endurance, perseverance and patience amid trials and temptations, rather than trying to make sense of it, is how we turn trials to triumph.

See attached outline for your reference.

Romans 5:5

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