times – Victoria Fellowship Church https://victoriafellowshipchurch.org International And Interdenominational! Sat, 08 Feb 2025 19:34:58 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://victoriafellowshipchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/cropped-logo-vfc_nigeria-1-32x32.png times – Victoria Fellowship Church https://victoriafellowshipchurch.org 32 32 Obadiah: A Willing Vessel in Perilous Times https://victoriafellowshipchurch.org/obadiah-a-willing-vessel-in-perilous-times/ https://victoriafellowshipchurch.org/obadiah-a-willing-vessel-in-perilous-times/#respond Sat, 08 Feb 2025 05:00:00 +0000 https://victoriafellowshipchurch.org/?p=2669 Read more…]]> Theme: The Impact of Unsung Heroes in the Bible

Good evening Brothers and Sisters,


Please find attached Bible Study Outline for Sunday, February 9, 2025 on the topic Obadiah: a willing vessel in perilous times.  This is the next study in our Quarter Series entitled “The Impact of Unsung Heroes in the Bible”.  The main text is 1 Kings 18:1-16 and the key learning points are as follows: 


  1. God can, and does, work in and through us even if we find ourselves in hostile environments working for ungodly people, and at great risk to ourselves. 1 Kings 18:4.


  1. When we fear God greatly, we can overcome the fear of even men with the power to do us harm to carry the will of God. 1Kings 18:8-9, 16


  1. God calls His ministers to stand forth and show themselves. Obadiah was better able to face the prospects of possible affliction or persecution from his master and his wife by keeping his eyes on God and working with humility and Godly wisdom. 1 Kings 18:15 -16


Yours in His service

Click here for online version

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Understanding the Times and Seasons https://victoriafellowshipchurch.org/understanding-the-times-and-seasons/ https://victoriafellowshipchurch.org/understanding-the-times-and-seasons/#respond Sun, 05 Nov 2023 05:00:00 +0000 https://www.victoriafellowshipchurch.org/?p=1683 Read more…]]> Theme: The Urgency of the Last Days

Good Evening Brethren,

I trust that this email finds you well.  Please find attached the outline for this Sunday’s Bible study, on “Understanding the Times and Seasons”.

Key Learning Points:

1.    Jesus reminds us that God’s kingdom cannot be observed visibly because it is “within” us. To “see” the Kingdom of God we must look within, and not on the external. Something must happen inside of us… a spiritual rebirth that ushers in the Christ-Life. That is the Kingdom of God. 

2.    Jesus warned that because men would one day long for the Messiah’s return, Satan will take advantage of this longing to raise false messiahs to deceive many. In understanding the times and rightly interpreting the seasons, we must be wary of this and rather focus on the Kingdom of God in us producing fruits.
3.    “Eating and drinking” reflects the notion of carefree living. But the sudden and dramatic description of the rapture shows that Christianity is an individual race which must be run with circumspection. To be ready when Jesus comes, we must wake up, cast off the works of darkness and put on Christ, i.e. live the Life of Christ. 

Have a blessed and restful weekend!

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