servant – Victoria Fellowship Church International And Interdenominational! Sat, 08 Feb 2025 19:34:07 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 servant – Victoria Fellowship Church 32 32 Hushai: A Faithful Servant and Loyal Friend Sun, 02 Feb 2025 05:00:00 +0000 Read more…]]> Theme: The Impact of Unsung Heroes in the Bible

Good evening brothers and sisters,

Please find attached Bible Study Outline on the topic “ Hushai: A faithful servant and loyal friend”.  This is the next in our Quarter Series on “The impact of unsung heroes in the Bible”.  The main texts are 2 Samuel 15:32-37, 15:17-19 and 17:1-21.  The key learning points are as follows:

  1. This study on Hushai demonstrates the profound impact of loyalty and courage, showing how a faithful servant and friend can play a pivotal role in fulfilling God’s purposes 2 Sam 17:7, 21-23
  2. Hushai’s cleverness, courage, and wisdom in serving both David and Absalom highlight the power of faithfulness in difficult and dangerous situations. 2Sam 15:34
  3. Hushai’s example teaches us that true loyalty often requires acting wisely and sacrificially and that God can use our faithfulness to bring about His greater plan, even in the most challenging circumstances. 2Sam 17:14

Yours in His service

Click here for online version

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The Cost of Servant Leadership Sun, 05 Feb 2023 05:00:00 +0000 Read more…]]> Theme: Servant Leadership


Trust you are well and that your week is going well.

As we continue in our quarter theme on servant leadership, you may begin to wonder why there is such a dearth of servant leaders, even in the Church. If you have ever entertained such a question, then you don’t want to miss this Sunday’s study on The Cost of Servant Leadership

Key Learning Points are:

  1. Doing the right thing in an ungodly world can be risky. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were commanded to bow down before an idol (Dan 3:1-30). Daniel was ordered to pray only to a human king (Dan 6:1-24). Yet these men, like this brave queen, all chose to trust God and take risks.
  2. Servant leaders while serving, could be sorely oppressed, and persecuted, sometimes even unto death – the ultimate cost. The servant leader’s mindset should therefore be, “For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain”- Phil1:21
  3. To truly be servant leaders, we must come to the place where we are willing and ready to pay the ultimate price for our faith in God. And that means allowing God to decide whether we would live to see another day or not.

May we, like Queen Esther, be all in for the sake of our Master, Jesus Christ.

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Servant Leadership and Missions Sun, 29 Jan 2023 05:00:00 +0000 Read more…]]> Theme: Servant Leadership


I trust this email finds you well.

This Sunday, we continue with our quarter series on Servant Leadership. Our topic is Servant Leadership and Missions. The point to be made being that, at the end of the day, our servant leadership must impact our core mandate – Missions. 

Key Learning Points:

  1. One of the key attributes of Servant leadership is commitment. It is commitment that gives one the focus and impetus to carry on with the tasks that must be done. Although the disciples were fleeing from persecution, they were not distracted from missions because they could not help but preach the gospel of the kingdom wherever they took refuge.
  2. Teaching is a vital aspect of the Great Commission. So, as servant leaders in mission, we also must work hard to study to show ourselves approved in the correct handling of the word of God and in spending time to teach new believers. New believers must not be left to sort out their lives.
  3. Purpose of heart is a core value in servant leadership, missions, and the kingdom of God. Thus, a servant leader is ready to surrender his/her rights and privileges for the sake of the mission.

See attached outline for your further necessary action.

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Servant Leadership Starts With Me Sun, 08 Jan 2023 05:00:00 +0000 Read more…]]> Theme: Servant Leadership


I trust this email finds you well.

Last week, we saw Jesus Christ as our supreme example of a servant leader. And in that study, Christ reminded us that His example is not just for us to study and be amazed at, but something for us to emulate. So, this Sunday, we look at how we can walk in Jesus’ shoes of servant leadership. Our topic, Servant Leadership Starts With Me is to remind us that we are not to exempt ourselves while expecting others to practice servant leadership.

Key learning Points:
1. Servant leadership starts with a life changing encounter with God, through Jesus Christ.
2. You don’t need much to be a servant leader. You just need to be available to God.
3. As a servant leader, I cannot pick and choose when to lead or serve others. I just must follow Jesus’ leading and instructions. To be a servant leader, I must be ready to serve others, no matter the situation or circumstance. 

See attached outline for your further reference.

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Christ, Our Example of a Servant Leader Sat, 01 Jan 2022 05:00:00 +0000 Read more…]]> Theme: Servant Leadership


The New Year is just a few hours away. May GOd take us there safely.

Beginning Sunday, January 1, we start a new quarter series on Servant Leadership. And our first topic is: Christ our example of a servant leader. This is a fitting way to start the New Year, looking at an aspect of the life of Jesus and His invitation to us to follow in His servant example, which is so badly needed in every aspect of our interaction – at home, at work, in the Church and in government.

Key learning Points:
1. Abiding unconditional self-giving love rather than self-serving love is a key ingredient for a servant leader.
2. To be a servant leader, one must be fully assured of and grounded in one’s identity in God.
3. There is a blessing that comes from knowing and doing Jesus’ example of servant leadership.

This 2023, may be known as people who follow Jesus’ example more.

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