Trust this message finds you well. Christmas in the air!
In John 3:19 Jesus declared the entrance of light into the world. But sadly, men preferred darkness rather than the Light. So, He left us here to continue to shine the light into our world.
Salt and light are the focus of our Bible study this Sunday as we continue the quarter series on The World Eagerly Awaits Your Manifestation. Our topic is Manifesting as Salt and Light.
Key Takeaways:
1. When believers (the Church) fail to be the salt of society, we lose our relevance and will be rejected by society, as we are witnessing these days.
2. Just as the life of Jesus Christ brought light to mankind, so God expects the life of Christ in the believer to bring light to the world around us.
3. Our being salt and light is so that our lives may manifest God’s glory to the world around us. And in so doing, make the gospel of Jesus Christ attractive to the world. God has destined us to have a lasting positive influence on others. 1 Peter 2:9; Isaiah 43:7,21
See attached outline for your further reference.
See you in Church on Sunday, God willing.