poor – Victoria Fellowship Church https://victoriafellowshipchurch.org International And Interdenominational! Sun, 16 Jan 2022 04:44:45 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://victoriafellowshipchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/cropped-logo-vfc_nigeria-1-32x32.png poor – Victoria Fellowship Church https://victoriafellowshipchurch.org 32 32 Blessed are the Poor in Spirit: Humility and Dependence https://victoriafellowshipchurch.org/blessed-are-the-poor-in-spirit-humility-and-dependence/ https://victoriafellowshipchurch.org/blessed-are-the-poor-in-spirit-humility-and-dependence/#respond Sun, 16 Jan 2022 05:00:00 +0000 http://www.victoriafellowshipchurch.org/?p=1106 Read more…]]> Theme: The Beatitudes

This SUnday, we continue our study on the blessedness of those who are poor in spirit. This time, our focus is on humility and dependence as aspects of that poverty of spirit.

Key Learning points include:

1.     Dependence on God enables humility because we realize Jesus is the only possible strength for our weakness. To pretend otherwise is folly.

2.     When we all humble ourselves before God and one another (whether we are in a position of authority/leadership within the church/society or otherwise), the church is a beautiful representation of the kingdom. It is a loving, supporting spiritual family and a strategic outpost for outreach and ministry in the world. 

3.     One cannot receive the good news of the Gospel, embrace the word of God, or learn from it if he/she has not first recognized a desperate need for it. In this sense, being “poor in spirit” is a prerequisite to receiving the grace of God. 

See attached outline for your reference.

May every blessing be yours.

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Blessed Are The Poor in Spirit – Surrender https://victoriafellowshipchurch.org/blessed-are-the-poor-in-spirit-surrender/ https://victoriafellowshipchurch.org/blessed-are-the-poor-in-spirit-surrender/#respond Sun, 09 Jan 2022 05:00:25 +0000 http://www.victoriafellowshipchurch.org/?p=1100 Read more…]]> Theme: The Beatitudes

This week we dig into the kingdom blessings. Our first stop is surrender as an aspect of being poor in spirit.

Key Learning points include:

1.     Jesus came to this earth not to set up a physical, material, or political kingdom but to usher in a spiritual kingdom, the kingdom of heaven.

2.     To be candidates for God’s kingdom, we need to be spiritually poor – this requires that we surrender our old beliefs and ways to receive the new things of the kingdom of the heavens.”.

3.     As people of the kingdom of God, we must never allow our spiritual experiences and God-given talents and abilities to hinder us before our great God and Father.

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