obedience – Victoria Fellowship Church https://victoriafellowshipchurch.org International And Interdenominational! Thu, 27 Jun 2024 09:20:58 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://victoriafellowshipchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/cropped-logo-vfc_nigeria-1-32x32.png obedience – Victoria Fellowship Church https://victoriafellowshipchurch.org 32 32 Obedience: An Act of faith https://victoriafellowshipchurch.org/obedience-an-act-of-faith/ https://victoriafellowshipchurch.org/obedience-an-act-of-faith/#respond Thu, 27 Jun 2024 09:05:20 +0000 https://seyisowemimoandco.com/?p=2103 Read more…]]> Theme: Strengthening Our Faith

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I attach the Bible Study Outline for Sunday 23 June 2024 on “Obedience: an act of faith.  This is the penultimate study in our current Quarter Series on Strengthening Our Faith.  The main texts are 1 John 2:3-6, Hebrews 11:8-10, and James 1:22-25.  The key learning points are:

1.    Our knowledge of, and love for God is proven and made complete by our obedience to Him. We are called to a life of obedience (1 John 2:4-6)

2.    Abraham showed that obedience to God is by faith and an act (action) of faith. He went, not knowing his destination but trusting God who told him to go. Heb 11:8  

3.    Obedience is the “doing” of the word that we hear.  Hearing without doing is self-deception. James 1:22-25.

Yours in His service

Click here for online version

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Jesus: His Life of Obedience https://victoriafellowshipchurch.org/jesus-his-life-of-obedience/ https://victoriafellowshipchurch.org/jesus-his-life-of-obedience/#respond Sun, 18 Apr 2021 17:00:38 +0000 http://www.victoriafellowshipchurch.org/?p=864 Read more…]]> Theme: The Life of Jesus

Please see attached outline for Sunday 18th for your perusal on lessons from Jesus’ life of obedience.

Key learning points should include:

  1. When obeying God creates a tension, obedience to God supersedes obedience to parents or to any other earthly authority.
  2. Obedience is something we grow in as we mature physically and mentally, just as Jesus did. And humility is vital to our growing in obedience.
  3. Obedience to God cost Jesus a lot but the benefits continue on to eternity. Likewise our obedience to God might be painful but leaves eternal rewards and benefits both for us and for others.

May we grow in our love for God and in obedience to His will.

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