mourn – Victoria Fellowship Church International And Interdenominational! Sat, 22 Jan 2022 22:52:33 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 mourn – Victoria Fellowship Church 32 32 Blessed Are Those Who Mourn Sun, 23 Jan 2022 05:00:57 +0000 Read more…]]> Theme: The Beatitudes


Often, our prayers tend to incline towards a problem free life. But in ‘Blessed are those who mourn,’ our Lord Jesus seems to be turning that on its head. Please see attached outline as you prepare for this challenging teaching on the blessedness of loss/grief. 

Key learning points include:

  1. God desires that we mourn when we commit sin, i.e., experience godly sorrow, and that we repent genuinely and turn away from our evil ways so that we can spend eternity with Him. One’s attitude to sin should be a feeling like that of mourning the death of someone he or she loves because our sin requires payment in blood.
  2. To mourn in the way Jesus meant, one must come to terms with what is at stake; understand and come to terms with man’s greatest loss.  We should be saddened by the things that sadden God. What breaks God’s heart ought to break our hearts as well. 
  3. Those who learn to mourn over their own sin find the heart of God. And intimate fellowship with God is the very foundation of true happiness. 

God promises comfort to those who mourn. And He means it.

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