kingdom – Victoria Fellowship Church International And Interdenominational! Sat, 31 Aug 2024 16:28:46 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 kingdom – Victoria Fellowship Church 32 32 Final Victory of The Saints In His Coming Kingdom Sun, 25 Aug 2024 05:00:00 +0000 Read more…]]> Theme: Living Out Our Faith – A Study of The Life of Daniel

Dear all,

Please see attached the next Study in our Quarter Series: Living Out Our Faith: A Study of The Life of Daniel.  The topic is Final Victory of the Saints in His Coming Kingdom.  The main text is Daniel 7:1-28 and the key learning points are:

1.    Though things may seem to be getting worse, as in the increasing power and wickedness of the beasts in Daniel’s dream, believers can be rest assured that it will be only for a God-appointed time, and not an hour longer. Daniel 7:9-11
2.    God’s judgment is righteous, and its full manifestation will be revealed in time to the delight of His people.
3.    At God’s appointed time, Christ’s reign, and the saints with Him, will be established forever.

Yours in His Service

Click here for online version

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Understanding Kingdom Blessings Sun, 02 Jan 2022 05:00:00 +0000 Read more…]]> Theme: The Beatitudes

Happy New Year!!!

The introductory notes to the 2022 quarter 1 sermon series fittingly reminds us that the dawn of a new year is a drawing closer of the coming of the Lord. And we need to live as those who are eagerly expecting that coming of the Lord (2 Peter 3:11). 

So, we start the year with a look at the Beatitudes. The goal is to help us understand the nature of kingdom blessing. This happens to be the opening topic of the quarter series. See attached outline for our reference.

Key learning points include:

1.      God never intended for us to labor, “toil and spin” to access the blessing of the Kingdom of God. He does not want us to go running after miracles but after Him.

2.      The divine blessing is an automatic right for every citizen of the Kingdom. We are joint heirs with Christ!

3.      Obedience to God is the only route to access divine blessing. Good works, prayer, fasting, tithing and other religious observances cannot replace obedience.

 As we step into 2022, may God grant grace to enable us to daily live conscious of how much closer Christ’s coming is. 

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