grace – Victoria Fellowship Church International And Interdenominational! Sat, 10 Feb 2024 18:26:36 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 grace – Victoria Fellowship Church 32 32 Grace, Faith and Works Sun, 11 Feb 2024 05:00:00 +0000 Read more…]]> Theme: The Foundation of the Christian Faith

Good evening all,

Please find attached the Bible study outline for the topic “Grace, Faith, and Works, the next in this quarter’s series on The Foundation of the Christian Faith.  The main text is Ephesians 2:1-10 and the key learning points are:

1.     The sin of Adam and Eve made every man a sinner thereby bringing death and eternal damnation; but God’s grace through the death of His Son brought salvation to all that believe and receive.  

2.     Faith in God’s begotten Son is the only way man can access this salvation – which is freely given and is not to be boasted about.

3.     Our “good works” are not a pre-requisite for obtaining this salvation; however, as the redeemed of the Lord, we’re to bring forth fruits (works) that prove that there’s a change of heart from our old ways – fruits consistent with our new life in Christ.


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Gifts of Grace for God’s Service Sun, 30 Jul 2023 05:00:00 +0000 Read more…]]> Theme: Romans: The Power of God at Work in Us


I trust this email finds you well.

Do you sometimes wish you had the ability to perform a certain task, or perform it better than you currently are able? Or why certain tasks take a lot more effort than in some others? Have you wondered why one person is such a good preacher, while another is so good at teaching children? If so, you need to join this Sunday’s study as we look at Gifts of GRace for God’s service.

Key Learnings include:
1. God’s gift for service is given graciously. So, we must use those gifts to serve humbly.
a. We serve one another because of the grace given to us. The more you understand grace, the easier it is to serve others.
b. Whatever gifts we receive from God is to serve Him and not for us to feel superior about.
c. All the gifts come from the same God, and Holy Spirit. And so, each must be valued.

2. Every gift, ‘big or small’ God gives is relevant and vital for His service. So, each one must contribute his/her gift for the good and smooth functioning of the body.
a. God has distributed a measure . . . to each one, including you.
b. We don’t need to have all the gifts to be relevant in God’s scheme of things.
c. As each person exercises his/her gift, we should make room for each other’s gifts.

3. Because God’s gifts for service are graciously given, there should be no room for comparison or competition in the exercise of those gifts.
a. Each person is to focus on making the most of his/her gift rather than wishing s/he were given some other gifts.
b. God has specifically arranged each one’s gift(s) for His glory, not for man’s.

See attached for your further reference.

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Saved by Grace Sun, 16 Jul 2023 05:00:00 +0000 Read more…]]> Theme: Romans: The Power of God at Work in Us


I trust this email finds you well.

This quarter, we have looked at The Righteousness of God, and The Power of Faith in Salvation. This Sunday, our topic is Saved by Grace. This subject of salvation by grace cannot be overemphasized as it is central in all of God’s dealings with man.

 Key Learnings:
1. Being saved and remaining saved is by God’s undeserved kindness (grace). We are saved by grace, not by a mixture of God’s grace and our meritorious works. 
a. Grace undergirds all of God’s dealing with man:
b. It is by grace we can hear the gospel, understand it, and embrace it for salvation.
c. It is grace that sustains us in the Lord, not our good (best) efforts.

2. As Christians, we are not alone in our trials and temptations. No matter how bad things may seem, God will always have a remnant that refuses to “bow the knee to Baal” – a remnant that, by God’s grace, keeps their covenant of obedience to God. Romans
a. The fulfillment of God’s purposes is not up to man but up to God.
b. That God hardens some and grants grace to others does not mean we should take grace for granted.  

3. Being saved by grace means that one should not and cannot afford to look down on those who are still living in the bondage of sin.
a. Rather, we should be grateful for God’s grace.
b. And like Apostle Paul, earnestly seek the salvation of others. 
c. God’s grace is both kind and stern 

See attached outline for your further reference.

See you in Church.

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