christian – Victoria Fellowship Church International And Interdenominational! Sat, 23 Mar 2024 18:21:25 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 christian – Victoria Fellowship Church 32 32 Living a Transformed Life Sun, 24 Mar 2024 05:00:00 +0000 Read more…]]> Theme: The Foundation of the Christian Faith

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Please see attached the Bible Study outline on the topic “Living a Transformed Life” which is the next one in the Quarter series on “The Foundation of the Christian Faith”. The main text is Romans 12:1-21 and the key learning points are as follows:

1.     Having received salvation, Christians are called to be transformed by the renewing of their mind and thereby progressively know the will of God (Romans 12:2).

2.     ⁠Our minds are renewed as we immerse ourselves in the Word through study, meditation, and prayer under the guidance of the Holy Spirit who is our teacher, sanctifier, and guide to Christlikeness (Psalm 119:15; John 14:26).

3.      ⁠Transformation and mind renewal require us to develop the daily discipline of dwelling on things above and to approach life through the eyes of faith.  (Colossians 3:1-2; Philippians 4:8-9). 

In His love and mine

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Christian Unity Sun, 03 Sep 2023 08:21:43 +0000 Read more…]]> Theme: The Power of God at Work in us


I trust this message finds you well.

Do you sometimes wonder about the numerous Christian denominations and wish we would all be united under one umbrella denomination? How do the differences in the Body of Christ make you feel? 

These are some of the questions our Bible study will be addressing this Sunday. Topic is: Christian Unity.

Key Takeaways include:

  1. Christian unity is about believers of whatever nationality or background being of one heart and mind and spirit in our love for Jesus Christ, our commitment to the gospel, and in our collective pursuit of the glory of God. Romans 15:6-12
  2. God is the Source of Christian unity. Christian unity is made possible as believers grow in godly character, and Christlikeness. Romans 15:5, 7-9. The Holy Spirit enables believers from all ethnicities, nationalities, personalities, and backgrounds to be of one heart, mind, and spirit in our love for Jesus Christ and in our commitment to the gospel.
  3. The result of Christian unity is the blessing of the Body of Christ, advancement of the gospel and the glorification of God.

See attached outline for your further reference.

Happy New Month.

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The Christian and Civic Authority Sun, 13 Aug 2023 05:00:00 +0000 Read more…]]> Theme: The power of God at Work in us


Good evening. I trust you are well and rejoicing in Jesus despite the challenging times.

Last week, our quarter study through Romans took a look at how believers are to relate with one another and with others. This SUnday we continue with a look at  how believers are to relate with constituted authorities. This SUnday’s topic is: The Christian and Civil Authority

The key lessons are outlined as follows:

1. Governing authorities are from God, and they are servants of God appointed over us for good. Romans 13:1-5
a. Because Civil authorities are God’s design, they derive their authority from God and so, we are expected to submit to all such constituted authority.
b. When we disobey constituted authority, we are essentially rebelling against God Himself. Romans 13:2,5

2. The way to demonstrate our acknowledgment of civil authorities as institutions ordained by God is by paying our taxes and other fees, and in showing respect to those in authority. To do otherwise is to dishonor God. Romans 13:6-8

3. Although civil authorities are God’s design, they were never meant to usurp or free us from God’s authority. We were always designed to be under God’s authority. So, when man’s authority challenges God’s authority, we have a choice to make, and that choice is to obey God and leave the consequences in God’s hands.

“… No government would exist if it hadn’t been established by God. The governments which exist have been put in place by God.” ROmans 13:1  (GW).

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Lessons from the Wise men Sun, 27 Dec 2020 05:00:00 +0000 Read more…]]> Theme: Spiritual Discipline for Christian Growth

Merry Christmas Brethren,

Last week’s Sunday School topic was: The Word Became Flesh. And one of the key lessons from that study is that God becoming human in the person of Jesus Christ is a foundational truth of Christianity, one on which our saving faith is anchored.

 Our Sunday School topic this Sunday is: Lessons From the Wise Men. See attached outline.

Key Learning Points Include That:

  1. The faith and diligence of the wise men should serve to inspire us to seek the Lord diligently. 
  2. Though the world around us may remain careless and unbelieving, we must not be ashamed to believe in Jesus and confess Him. 
  3. Just like the wise men bowed down and worshipped Jesus when they came into His presence, His presence in our lives should spur us to spontaneous-continuous worship, Worship is our only reasonable response in His presence. 

May the joy of the Savior’s birth fill your lives now and always. And may it fill your hearts with great hope as you look into 2021.

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The Word Became Flesh Sun, 20 Dec 2020 17:00:34 +0000 Read more…]]> Theme: Spiritual Discipline for Christian Growth


Compliments of the Season.

One of the key lessons from last Sunday’s  study on The Spiritual Discipline of Submission and Obedience is that obedience is the supreme test of our faith in God and reverence for His name (Ephesians 5:21; 1 Peter 2:13). So, we submit and obey constituted authority because God expects His children to do so, not only when it is pleasant but even when it hurts.

This Sunday, our Bible study topic is: The Word Became Flesh.

Key Learning Points Include That:

  1. Jesus Christ is the Word from God and of God. He is the “true light” and life-giving presence of God who “made his dwelling among us” (John 1:4, 9, 13,14,18). These truths about Jesus are the foundation of all truth, without which there can be no saving faith.
  2. God has been speaking to man in various ways and forms (Hebrews 1:1-3). But in Jesus Christ, God makes His best and final communication by taking on human flesh – becoming fully man while fully retaining His deity. HE did this as the ultimate revelation of Himself and to bring eternal life to all who believe in him.
  3. Unlike other religions and gods who do thing for show, God’s primary purpose with man is that every man returns to His family by receiving and believing in Jesus Christ. John 1:12; 3:16

And with Christmas just a week away, may I use this opportunity to wish us all a Merry Christmas, remembering that in Jesus, God has said all He wants to say to us.

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Submission and Obedience Sun, 13 Dec 2020 05:00:13 +0000 Read more…]]> Theme: Spiritual Discipline for Christian Growth


We continue our series on Spiritual Discipline with a look at the Discipline of Submission and Obedience. See outline attached

Key Learning points are:

1.     The discipline of obedience and submission lies in the fact that God has given us the freedom to daily choose to obey/submit or not. And God is hoping that we will use this freedom and out of reverence for Him to choose rightly. (I Peter 2:16)

2.     Obedience is the supreme test of faith in God and reverence for Him (Ephesians 5:21;1 Peter 2:13) So, God expects His children to submit and obey constituted authority for His name sake, and not because we feel like it or not. (1 Peter 2Vs 13).

3.     The Christian home is the best place to nurture the discipline of submission and obedience in the future generation of believers. (Ephesians 6:1-4).

May the Lord use it to inspire us to pursue a deeper level of submission and obedience

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Spiritual Discipline: Simplicity Sun, 06 Dec 2020 05:00:00 +0000 Read more…]]> Theme: Spiritual Discipline for Christian Growth


Last Sunday’s Bible study was on the Spiritual Discipline of Confession and Repentance. One of the lessons is the fact that confession and repentance are essential Christian disciplines which help us maintain intimacy with God.This Sunday, we shall be looking at the Spiritual Discipline of Simplicity.

Key Learning Points include:

  1. Simplicity is a state of mind, depicted by singleness of heart and purpose, sincerity, pure motive, unambiguity, and freedom from complexity
  2. The spiritual discipline of simplicity is only possible when one’s purpose in life is to be all that God desires for the individual.
  3. The discipline of simplicity is the daily practice of letting our pursuit of God to dictate the direction of our lives – choices and decisions and actions, rather than being controlled by our appetites.

Luke 12:15

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Spiritual Discipline: Confession and Repentance Sun, 29 Nov 2020 05:00:37 +0000 Read more…]]> Theme: Spiritual Discipline for Christian Growth


Last Sunday, our study on the Spiritual Discipline of Solitude and Silence highlighted our need to be more deliberate in seeking solitude and silence so as to deepen our relationship with God, among others.  This Sunday, we shall be looking at the Spiritual Discipline of Confession and Repentance.

Key Learning Points include:

1.     Confession and repentance are part of our spiritual discipline because they are essential for living a sanctified life. Confession and Repentance helps us sustain our relationship with our loving father God, amongst other benefits

2.     Why we need to confess and repent from sin is because God wants us to be in a continual, intimate relationship with Him. Refusing to admit sin when we sin, will damage our relationship with God.

3.     Repentance is a heartfelt sorrow for sin followed by a sincere commitment to forsake it and walk in obedience to Christ. But we need God’s help to truly repent of our sins. We cannot do it all on our own.

1 John 1:5

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Spiritual Discipline: Solitude and Silence. Sun, 22 Nov 2020 08:03:31 +0000 Read more…]]> Theme: Spiritual Discipline for Christian Growth

Dear Brethren,

For our Bible Study this Sunday, Topic is Solitude and Silence. See outline attached for your reference

Key Learning Points include

  1. Solitude and silence are terms so central to the Christian faith if a deep relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is to be cultivated. Every believer must deliberately pursue these virtues as Jesus often did.
  2. Jesus longed for times alone with the Father so much that He did not allow anything to deny Him that privilege
  3. With ever increasing noise and activity and connectedness, we need to be more creative and intentional in seeking avenues for solitude and silence like Jesus did.

1 Timothy 4:6-8

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Spiritual Discipline: Fellowship Sun, 15 Nov 2020 05:00:22 +0000 Read more…]]> Theme: Spiritual Discipline for Christian Growth

Dear All,

Last Sunday, our studies on Spiritual Disciplines for Christian Growth led us to consider Stewardship of Time and Money.  One of the lessons from that study is that as believers, we are to use our Master’s time and money in ways that will accrue eternal benefits (Luke 16:11-12). Our topic for consideration this Sunday is Spiritual Discipline- Fellowship.

Key Learning Points

  1. Fellowship means being a part of a group, a body of people; having or sharing with others certain things in common such as interest, goals, feelings, beliefs, activities, labor, privileges and responsibilities, experiences, and concerns. It also involves working together and caring for one another as a company of people, like a company of soldiers or members of a family
  2. Fellowship is an important spiritual discipline necessary for a healthy Church. It is more than the coming together of believers and requires a deep level of commitment of all that we have, are and are becoming. No wonder the early believers were willing to go all the way with it – sell their property for the common good, etc.
  3. The thread which makes true Biblical fellowship possible is our common heritage in Jesus’ death and resurrection and of His Spirit in us.

Hebrews 10:25

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