Theme: “Living A Life Of Sacrifice And Service”

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We are at the start of a new quarter – the “embers” of 2024!  Attached is the first Bible Study in our new Quarter Series “Living A Life Of Sacrifice And Service”.  Our first topic is “Sacrificial Service: An Act Of Worship”.  The main texts are Romans 12:1-2 and Mark 10:42 – 45.  The key learning points are:

1.    Sacrificial service is impactful service conveyed through us by God’s Holy Spirit to His church and others, because we have come to know, and are bringing our original sinful self and nature to the cross daily, in exchange for the nature of Christ. Sacrificial service adds eternal value.
2.    Jesus Christ emptied Himself and fully obeyed the first commandment to “love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength” (Deut6:5, Mt22:37). He completely denied His own life as an act of total obedience to the will of the Father.  Self denial, in obedience to Christ, is true worship, the kind acceptable to God (Rom 12:1)
3.    Assuming a transformed lifestyle in line with Rom 12:2 shows the world that we unapologetically and unashamedly belong to Jesus and live for Him and the advancement of His kingdom here on earth.  It is a must for a follower of Christ!

May the Lord grant us hearing ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to His church, the “tongue of disciples”

Yours in Christ

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