Theme: “Strengthening Our Faith

Good afternoon Brothers and Sisters,

The next Bible Study Outline in our Quartlery Series  “Strengthening our Faith” is attached.  The topic is “Resisting the Alternative World View and our main texts are Romans 1:18-32, 12:1-2, and Ephesians 6:10-18.  The key learning points are as follows:

  1. As Christians, we are called not be naive but wise in recognizing harmful alternative worldviews (Col 2:8)
  2. God “lets go” of those who do not like to retain God in their knowledge (Rom1:8)
  3. A wayward heart not anchored by faith and trust in Christ and God’s truth will wander (1Tim4:1)
  4. God has provided His children tools and weapons for resisting and overcoming alternative worldviews (2Cor10:14) 

Yours in His service

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