Theme: The Acts of the Apostles
Dear All,
Last Sunday we looked at Stephen: A Man of Faith and Power. And through Stephen, we saw, among other lessons that:
· Faith is necessary for power to be evident; also, that
· We need both faith and power to be able to love like Jesus – forgiving our enemies and dying with our eyes on Jesus.
This Sunday we shall be looking at another early disciple – Philip. Our topic is Philip: An Effective Witness
Our key learning from this study should include:
1. A disciple must be prepared both in heart and mind to witness in any and every situation
2. An effective witness contextualizes his/her message – using an individual’s felt need(s) to point them to Jesus
3. An Effective witness is about Jesus’ death on the Cross
Thank you for serving in this capacity. May God add blessings to the teaching of His word.