Theme: Strengthening our Faith

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Please see attached the next Bible Study Outline in our current Quarter Series on Strengthening our Faith.  The study is entitled “Modelling Christ”.  The main texts are John 13:34-35; Philippians 4:9 and 1 Peter 5: 2-3.
The key leaning points are as follows:

1.    The life of a believer ought to reflect the very life, nature and character of Jesus Christ. We should be an example to other believers and to the world of who He is.
2.    Love must be the distinguishing mark of Jesus’ disciples and should be demonstrated in our day-to-day lives and interactions with all men.  
3.    As believers, our lives must continually be influenced by the things we’ve learned from Jesus, the things we’ve received through teaching and revelation, the things we’ve heard about, and the things we’ve seen Him do.

Yours in His service

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