Theme: Love: A More Excellent Way

In continuation of our quarter series on Love: A More Excellent Way, we shall be looking at Love fulfilling the law. See attached outline for your reference.

Key Learning points:

1.     Love is enormously important to the Christian life because that is how we show that we are children of God. So, the ten commandments, and any other commandment there may be, are basically examples of what loving God and loving others look like in day-to-day life and in various circumstances. Love, then, fulfills the covenant obligations that God has given his children

2.     Believers can fulfill every demand of the Mosaic Law by loving others.

3.     The law has always pointed to Jesus Christ: “For Christ has already accomplished the purpose for which the law was given. As a result, all who believe in him are made right with God” 

May love abound among us.


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