Theme: Living Out Our Faith – A Study of The Life of Daniel

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Please find attached the Bible study outline on Living with an understanding of Bible Prophecies which is the next study in our Quarter Series: Living out our faith – a study of the life of Daniel. The main text is Daniel 11:1-45 and the key learning points are as follows:

  1. The events described in Daniel Chapter 11 and indeed most Bible prophecies are spiritual/foreshadowing events and not merely literal. The Spirit of God helps us to discern them. Dan 2:20,22
  2. Bible Prophecies all point to God’s desire to recover Man for Himself. Dan 12:1
  3. We should endeavor to discover The Life of Christ in Bible Prophecy and live in Christ to overcome the calamities often portrayed in prophecy and appropriate the blessings also contained therein.

Yours in His service

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