Theme: Living Out Our Faith – A Study of The Life of Daniel

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Please see attached the next study in our Quarter Series: Living Out Our Faith:  A Study of The Life of Daniel.  The topic is Leading Revival through Repentance and Prayer.  The main text is Daniel 9:1-27 and the key learning points are as follows:

1.    Prayer and revival are major themes in the Bible but do not just happen. Daniel, having read the prophecy of Jeremiah persisted in the place of prayer until he got an answer.
2.    Daniel preceded his prayer by acknowledging God’s righteousness. Prayer reveals our need for repentance and aligns us with God’s purpose.
3.    God calls us to pray, and He is always ready to answer those who call on Him day and night (Luke 18: 7,8).
Yours in His love and mine

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