Theme: The Life of Jesus
Our hope is that you are rejoicing in Jesus amid the challenges of life.
Our Bible study this Sunday is taking a look at Jesus’ Ministry – The Role of Women. This is fitting as the Sunday is also making Mothers’ Day
Key Learning Points should include:
1. It is not only men who are expected to follow Jesus. Women also need to follow Jesus because God’s original plan for humanity is that they (male and female) be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion …. (Genesis 1:28).’
2. Women’s role in ministry is not confined to behind-the-scenes kitchen and family roles. They too can serve the purposes of God with their financial and material resources
3. Women need to learn deep theological truths as much as anyone else
See attached outline for your reference. May I encourage you to take some time to prepare ahead so that we can have a more enriching discussion.
May God bless all the mothers of VFC.