Theme: Lessons From The Life of David


I am sending the attachment in the hope that this email finds you well and that you have been finding our quarter series on Lessons from the life of David’ useful.

Sometimes, in our effort to do God’s work, we can be led by simple zeal or carried along by the emotions of the moment, etc. David wanted to honor God by bringing the Ark of God to a more ‘befitting’ place. But due to some minor oversight, someone lost his life! 

Join us, this Sunday, as  explore this issue further under the topic is ‘God’s work, God’s way’

Key Learning Points:
1. King David had pure motive, as did Uzzah. But as far as God is concerned, good intentions will not absolve us from responsibility when it comes to obeying His clear written command. If we neglect His written instructions and command, we will soon find ourselves in David’s error in the matter of moving the Ark.
2. Seeking counsel is good. But such counsel should always align with God’s clear command as contained in His holy inerrant written word.
3. In a rapidly changing world, we can easily be lured into thinking that doing God’s work has to keep up with the current trend. But we must never allow the worship of God to be dictated by societal trends.

‘All who serve Me must respect My holiness” (God – Leviticus 10:3b GNT)


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