Theme: Lessons From The Life of David


How are you doing today?

As humans, we want to accomplish something great. This desire drives us to be ambitious. Our study this Sunday draws our attention to two types of ambitions – one godly and the other selfish. Again, we turn to King David to teach us a thing or two about what godly ambition looks like. See attached outline for your reference.

Key Take Aways:
1. Godly ambition is God-centered while selfish ambition is self-centered.
2. Just like David, God calls His children to pursue ambitions which seek and promote the glory of God rather than self-glory. Purpose is the key to living worthily and accurately and to having godly ambitions. David knew his purpose, so he did not need to rush anything like Joab tried to help him. So, like David, we should take time to discover our God-given purpose and when we do, make that purpose our lifelong ambition.
3. Selfish ambition destroys. We must repent from every selfish ambition when the Holy Spirit convicts us of that and pursue godly ambitions to His praise and glory.

See you in Church.

Philippians 3:10


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