Theme: Strengthening our Faith

Good evening Brothers and Sisters,

Please see attached the Bible Study Outline on the topic “Enduring Faith” which is the next in our Quarterly Series  on Strengthening Our Faith.  The main text is James 5:7-12 and the key learning points are as follows:

1.    The Christian life is a race – a marathon that takes endurance to overcome trials, stay the course and finish well.

2.     We inherit God’s promises through faith and patience.  Hope, drawn from the certain expectation of the Lord’s return, gives us strength to remain patient and endure through the wait.

3.     Our attitude while we wait matters – a grudging, grumbling attitude can cost us dearly.  Rather we should keep in mind as examples those, like Job and the prophets, who endured and saw that the Lord is very compassionate and merciful.

Yours in His love and mine

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