Theme: Living a Life of Sacrifice and Service

Topic: Embracing the Christ-like Character of Humility.

Main Text: Philippians 2:1-8

Key verse: Philippians 2:5-7b “You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had. Though He was God He did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. Instead, He gave up His divine privileges; He took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being.” (NLT).


Most dictionaries define humility as ‘the quality or condition of being humble, modest in one’s opinion or estimate of one’s own importance or rank.’ But you and I know non-Christians, and even atheists who are modest, and whom we can easily describe as humble. But our focus here is Christ-like humility. So, we look not to the dictionary, but to the word of God. And from the word of God, we know that a Christ-like character personifies the qualities and traits of Jesus Christ. That is why Philippians chapter 2 opens with four hypotheses and a conclusion, ‘if …, then… (Philippians 2:1-2 NIV).

Q1. (1a) From Philippians 2:1-2, what is the foundation of Christ-like humility? And how is it different from other forms of humility? (1b) From Philippians 2:6-8, Let participants identify the thought patterns, attitudes, choices, and actions that characterize Christ’s humility. From those attributes of Christ-like humility, how would you define Christ-like humility? (1c) Philippians 2:8 speaks of Christ’s death as the ultimate show of His humility. What does this tell you about Christ-like humility as we contemplate embracing this Christ-like character?

Paragraph 2:

Looking at Jesus Christ as our model of humility, one cannot but notice that: (i) ‘He gave up His divine privileges …’ – (ii) ‘He took the humble position of a slave…’ He says in Mark 10:45 ‘the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve…’ (NIV); (iii) ‘… was born as a human being.;’ ‘… died a criminal’s death on a cross.’ – Obedience to God, in whatever God wants, to whatever extent. Not only did the Immortal taste death, but the most gruesome type – by crucifixion! “… Anyone who truly looks upon the man Christ Jesus and His meekness will be left staring at the great mystery. How can One so strong be so tender as He stoops so low? Looking upon Jesus is the great sanctifier to areas of pride and anger in the human heart.” writes Allen Hood.

Q2. (2a) Philippians 2:5 says, ‘You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had’ (NLT). What does that tell us about our need to embrace Christ-like humility? (2b) According to Philippians 2:1 anyone who belongs to Christ and has experienced His love or been touched by the Holy Spirit should exude Christ-like humility. On what basis is the Holy Spirit making that assertion? (2c) What attitudes can make Christ-like humility difficult or impossible in a believer? See Philippians 2:3-4.

Paragraph 3:

Developing a Christ-like character is non-negotiable for every believer. It is the cornerstone of our living out our faith and the key to having God-honoring relationship with others. It is a contradiction to claim to be a child of God and not embrace Christ-like humility. The Epistle to the Philippian Church is considered one of the most joyful of all the Epistles. But amidst the joy, something was nagging at Apostle Paul – Euodia and Syntyche, two key members of the Philippian church were in contention with one another (Philippians 4:2). And their differences must have been affecting the rest of the Philippian Church to receive mention in a letter which was to be read publicly! Therein lies the context of the command for Christ-like humility. ‘In your life together, think the way Christ Jesus thought.’ (Philippians 2:5a ERV) – humility is a state of the heart but lived out in community.

Q3. In Philippians 4:2, Euodia and Syntyche were urged to ‘to be of the same mind in the Lord (NKJV), same as the entire Church was asked to do in Philippians 2:5. (3a) What picture of this same mind in Christ do we see in Philippians 2:2-4? (3b) What can happen when this ‘same mind in Christ’ is absent in a family or among members of a congregation? See Philippians 2:2-4. (3c) Which of the ingredients mentioned in Philippians 2:1 do we need more of? How can we cultivate them among us?

Prayer: LORD Jesus, You showed us what humility looks like and commanded us to embrace YOUR example of humility. Please, help us as individuals, and as a Church to daily choose this YOUR character of humility in our interactions at home, at work, and among us in fellowship. In YOUR Name we pray. Amen