Theme: The Power of God at Work in us
How has your week been?
Our quarter series is getting more interesting. This time we are looking at the first Adam and the last Adam and what benefits, or otherwise each brought to humanity. This comparison and lessons thereon is so important for the CHristian life.
The key lessons are outlined in the attache study sheet are:
1. Sin and its death penalty came to us because of Adam’s genes in us, not because of any acts of disobedience to any commands of God.
2. Whereas sin and its consequences are the result of one man’s action, God’s gift of life through Christ is entirely an undeserved gift from God, available only to those who receive the gift. So, believers must internalize this truth and be motivated to help as many as possible to receive this gracious gift of God.
3. God’s grace through Christ did more than cancel out the consequences of Adam’s disobedience. It also secured our good standing and declaration of innocence before God.
See you in Church on Sunday.