Be Prepared and Wise

Theme: The Urgency of the Last Days Good Evening Dear Brethren, I trust that this email meets you well.  Please find attached, the outline for this Sunday’s study. Thank you for your feedback from last week’s study. I am hopeful that the learnings have been factored into this study to make for more timely sessions on Sunday. The Key Learnings from this week’s study are: Jesus is coming soon. We need to be ready, genuine Read more…

Be Ready for His Coming

Theme: The Urgency of the Last Day Brethren, Good evening. I trust this email finds you well. Welcome to the last quarter of the year. And fittingly, we shall be considering as our quarter theme- The urgency of the Last Days. Fitting because, as our topic for this Sunday shows, the signs of Jesus’ second coming are all over the place. Key Learning points of the study are:1. Adverse world events form one of the signs Read more…

The Signs of His Coming

Theme:The Urgency of The Last Days Brethren, Good evening. I trust this email finds you well. Welcome to the last quarter of the year. And fittingly, we shall be considering as our quarter theme- The urgency of the Last Days. Fitting because, as our topic for this Sunday shows, the signs of Jesus’ second coming are all over the place. Key Learning points of the study are:1. Adverse world events form one of the signs Jesus Read more…

Review of the Book of Romans

Theme: The power of God at Work in us Brethren, How are you? I trust this email finds you well. For the last two quarters, we have explored the book of Romans under the theme ‘God’s power at work in us.’ And finally we come to the end of this amazing journey; at least for now. So, as we attempt to review this wonderful book , three key words summarize the power of God at work in Read more…

Greetings and Encouragement

The power of God at Work in us Brethren, How has your week been? mine has been quite eventful. This Sunday, we come to an exciting aspect of Romans: Imagine having your name appear on the honors list of your school, or inducted into the hall of fame of one of the greatest organs in the world. Apostle Paul did that for dozens in this closing chapter of Romans. And that is what we will be Read more…

Keeping the Unity of the Spirit

Theme: The Power of God at Work in Us Brethren, How have you been? I trust you are well. Last week, we looked at Christian unity. This week, we shall be looking at Keeping the Unity of the Spirit. How is this different from what we studied last week? What does that look like? And how does it apply to me? These are all questions we shall be exploring in the study. In the study, Apostle Read more…

Christian Unity

Theme: The Power of God at Work in us Brethren, I trust this message finds you well. Do you sometimes wonder about the numerous Christian denominations and wish we would all be united under one umbrella denomination? How do the differences in the Body of Christ make you feel?  These are some of the questions our Bible study will be addressing this Sunday. Topic is: Christian Unity. Key Takeaways include: Christian unity is about believers Read more…

Bearing with One Another

Theme: Romans: The Power of God at Work in us Brethren, I trust this meets you well. Recently, I  attended a conference at a Christian retreat center. During meal times, the caterers would diligently point out those meals which contained pork and those which did not. Often, those believers who have no qualms eating pork will make comments suggesting that they are more mature.  This kind of attitude towards other believers who don’t share in our Read more…

Love, the Fulfillment of The Law

Theme: The power of God at Work in us Brethren, How are you doing today? I trust this meets you well. Last Sunday we looked at our responsibility to civil authorities. This Sunday, we continue in Romans chapter 13. And this time, we would be focusing on our responsibility to each other, not just as believers, but as human beings. We will be looking at this under the topic: Love, The Fulfillment of the Law. Key Read more…

The Christian and Civic Authority

Theme: The power of God at Work in us Brethren, Good evening. I trust you are well and rejoicing in Jesus despite the challenging times. Last week, our quarter study through Romans took a look at how believers are to relate with one another and with others. This SUnday we continue with a look at  how believers are to relate with constituted authorities. This SUnday’s topic is: The Christian and Civil Authority.  The key lessons are outlined Read more…