Signs of the Times

Theme: The Urgency of the Last Days Good Evening Brethren, I trust that this email finds you well. Please find attached, the Bible Study Outline for this Sunday’s study on the topic “Signs of the Times” with scriptural reference from 1 Timothy 4:1-16, 2 Timothy 3:1-8. In keeping with our Quarter’s theme, “The Urgency of the Last Days“, it is a sober reminder of the moral decadence and abject rejection of the ways of God that will characterize the end times. We Read more…

Prophecy Fulfilled

Theme: The Urgency of the Last Days Good Evening Brethren, Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!  Please find attached, the Bible Study Outline for this Sunday’s study on the topic “Prophecy Fulfilled” with scriptural reference from Matthew 1:18-25. In this study, we learn about three prophecies of Scripture which were fulfilled at Jesus’ birth, serving as a reminder to us that every word of God will come to pass. His promises toward us never Read more…

The Season of the Lord’s Patience

Theme: The Urgency of the Last Days Good Evening Brethren, Please find attached, this Sunday’s Bible Study Outline on the topic, “The Season of the Lord’s Patience“. I recall my days as a young Christian, being fired up about the Lord’s “imminent” return and telling anyone who would listen about the need for them to “clean up their act” so that they would make heaven. It’s been over 3 decades now, and at several points over Read more…

Overcoming the Season of Lawlessness

Theme: The Urgency of the Last Days Good Evening Brethren, I trust that this meets you well. Please find attached the outline for this Sunday’s Bible study on “Overcoming the Season of Lawlessness” with scriptural reference taken from 2 Thessalonians 2:1-17. This study, like others we have looked at in the past weeks, considers the events leading up to the Lord’s second coming and provides us with some reassurance on what to look out for Read more…

Being Thankful in all Situations

Theme: The Urgency of the Last Days Good Evening Brethren, I trust that this meets you well. Please find attached the outline for this Sunday’s Bible study on “Being Thankful in all Situations“.  During this week of thanksgiving, we are reminded of the need to cultivate the practice of being thankful to God, no matter the circumstances we find ourselves in. Below are some key learning points from the Bible passage in Luke 17:11-19. Key Learning Points: Because of Read more…

Living our Lives to Please God

Theme: The Urgency of the Last Days Good Evening Brethren, I trust that this meets you well. Please find attached the outline for this Sunday’s Bible study on “Living Our Lives to Please God“.  In this study, we find that there are 101 excuses that we can come up with to not live a life of obedience to Christ; Tiredness, weariness, old age, body pains, sickness, worry, fear, anxiety, etc. But if we could put Read more…

The Day of the Lord

Theme: The Urgency of the Last Days Good Evening Brethren, We thank God for the end of another work week.  Please find attached the outline for this Sunday’s Bible study on “The Day of the Lord”. Key Learning Points: The day of the Lord will come unexpectedly and suddenly as a thief in the night, but it should not be a surprise to believers or a concern, because we are sons of light not of Read more…

Understanding the Times and Seasons

Theme: The Urgency of the Last Days Good Evening Brethren, I trust that this email finds you well.  Please find attached the outline for this Sunday’s Bible study, on “Understanding the Times and Seasons”. Key Learning Points: 1.    Jesus reminds us that God’s kingdom cannot be observed visibly because it is “within” us. To “see” the Kingdom of God we must look within, and not on the external. Something must happen inside of us… a Read more…

Serving the Master Through One Another

Theme: The Urgency of the Last Days Good Evening Brethren, I trust that this email finds you well.  Attached is the outline for this Sunday’s Bible study, based on Matthew 25:31-46.  Key Learning Points: 1.    When Jesus comes again, He will sit on His Throne of glory and judge all nations, separating the “sheep” from the “goats”. 2.    Those who are declared righteous and who offer compassionate service towards the poor and needy, (“the sheep”), Read more…

Be Faithful Stewards of God’s Resources

Theme: The Urgency of the Last Days Good Evening Brethren, I trust that this email meets you well.  Please find attached, the outline for this Sunday’s study.  The Key Learnings are as follows: 1.    All who are saved have been given diverse talents by the Lord. Our talents are not all of the same type or proportion. They are given according to our abilities to advance the Kingdom of God. 2.    The talents the Lord Read more…