Saved by Grace

Theme: Romans: The Power of God at Work in Us Brethren, I trust this email finds you well. This quarter, we have looked at The Righteousness of God, and The Power of Faith in Salvation. This Sunday, our topic is Saved by Grace. This subject of salvation by grace cannot be overemphasized as it is central in all of God’s dealings with man.  Key Learnings:1. Being saved and remaining saved is by God’s undeserved kindness (grace). Read more…

The Power of Faith in Salvation

Theme: Romans: The Power of God at Work in us Brethren, I trust you are well and rejoicing in Jesus as you navigate life in a fast changing world. Our Quarter series on The Power of God at work in us continues this Sunday with a look at The Power of Faith in Salvation. Key Takeaways include:1. Faith in Jesus Christ expressed through believing with the heart and confessing with the mouth that Jesus is Lord Read more…

The Righteousness of God

Theme: Romans: The Power of God at Work in us Brethren, Hope this meets you well. This Sunday, we shall be starting a new quarter. But the good news is that we shall continue with the theme we started in Quarter 2. And we kick off with a look at The Righteousness of God. Key Learning Points1. Two types of righteousness – the righteousness of man and the righteousness of God (Romans 10:3, 5; Philippians Read more…

Chosen by God’s Mercy

Theme: The power of God at Work in us Brethren, How are you doing today? We conclude this quarter’s theme on a very interesting note: Chosen by God’s Mercy! The truth about God’s grace and mercy continue to pose a stumbling block for many; just as it did in the days of Jesus’ earthly ministry, as well as that of the Apostle Paul. But that truth cannot be swept away, no matter how hard anyone tries: Read more…

God’s Unbreakable Love

Theme: The Power of God at Work in us Brethren, I trust this email finds you well. Words have meaning. That is a challenge we have to deal with as we look at the topic God’s Unbreakable Love against the backdrop of Romans 8:38-39. Key learnings include: God is love. It is His nature. God loves mankind with an everlasting love. He demonstrated this love by sacrificing the most precious thing to Him, His Only Read more…

A Spirit-led Life

Theme: The Power of God at Work in us Brethren, The Christian life is like the Israelites’ journey through the wilderness – they did not know the way and needed God to lead the way. For us as followers of Jesus Christ, we also do not know the way, and so we need the Holy Spirit to lead us. That is what our Sunday study takes a look at under the topic: The Spirit-led Life. Read more…

The Law Cannot Save From Sin

The Power of God at Work in us Brethren, How are you doing? Welcome to the month of June. We continue with our quarter series on The Power of God at Work in us. This time, we consider a matter which is a stumbling block for both believers and unbelievers – the usefulness of obeying the law regarding salvation. We shall be considering this matter under the topic The Law Cannot Save From Sin. Key Read more…

Dead to Sin, Alive to God

Theme: The power of God at Work in us Brethren, I trust you are well and encouraged in the Lord. We continue with our quarter series on The Power of God at Work in us. Last week we saw how death came through Adam, but life came through Jesus Christ. This week, we continue on that thread as we look at the topic: Dead to Sin, Alive to God. As you read the text and work through Read more…

Death Through Adam; Life Through Christ

Theme: The Power of God at Work in us Brethren, How has your week been? Our quarter series is getting more interesting. This time we are looking at the first Adam and the last Adam and what benefits, or otherwise each brought to humanity. This comparison and lessons thereon is so important for the CHristian life. The key lessons are outlined in the attache study sheet are: 1. Sin and its death penalty came to Read more…

Justification by Faith

Theme: The Power of God at Work in us Brethren, I trust this meets you well. Our quarter series on God’s Power at Work in us continues this Sunday with a look at Justification by faith. This subject of justification is so crucial for every believer to grasp. To be justified is to be forever declared innocent by God. That despite all that we have done, still do and will yet do, God’s declaration of Read more…