Becoming a Disciple of Christ

Theme: The Foundation of the Christian Faith Good evening brothers and sisters, Please find attached the latest Bible Study outline in our Quarter Series “The Foundation of the Christian Faith”.   The topic is Becoming a Disciple of Christ and the main text is Mathew 4:18-22 and Mathew 16:24-26.  Key Learnings: Becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ is the sure way to becoming a Christian, that is, a “little Christ”, “Christ-Like”. To become a disciple of Christ, Jesus Read more…

Christ, The Cornerstone

Theme: The Foundation of the Christian Faith Dear Brothers and Sisters Please find attached a study on the topic: “Christ, our Cornerstone” which is the next one in our Quarter’s Theme of “The Foundation of the Christian Faith.  Our main ext is Ephesians 2:14-22. Key Learning Points: 1.     It is Jesus’ death on the Cross that reconciles both Jews and Gentiles to God, thus forming the universal Church – Ephesians 2:14-16 2.     Because of what Christ did on Read more…

Reconciliation of Man to God

Theme: The Foundation of the Christian Faith Good evening everyone, Please see attached the next study outline in this Quarter’s Theme of “The Foundation of the Christian Faith”  The topic is “ Reconciliation of Man to God”.  The main text is 2 Corinthians 5:16-21. Key Learning Points 1.     God wants all men to be reconciled to Him. This is a free gift from Him, which means we don’t have to do anything to earn it but accept Jesus Christ’s sacrifice for our sin (vs 18, 19, 21) Read more…

Grace, Faith and Works

Theme: The Foundation of the Christian Faith Good evening all, Please find attached the Bible study outline for the topic “Grace, Faith, and Works, the next in this quarter’s series on The Foundation of the Christian Faith.  The main text is Ephesians 2:1-10 and the key learning points are: 1.     The sin of Adam and Eve made every man a sinner thereby bringing death and eternal damnation; but God’s grace through the death of His Son Read more…

You Must be Born-Again

Theme: The Foundation of the Christian Faith Dear Brothers and Sisters, Please see attached the next study in this quarter’s series: The Foundation of the Christian Faith.  The topic is “You must be born again”, the main text being John 3:1-18.  The key learning points are as follows: Have a richly blessed day. In His love and mine

God’s Promise of Redemption

Theme: The Foundation of the Christian Faith Good morning everyone, Please see attached the fourth study outline in this quarter’s theme of “The Foundation of the Christian Faith” on the topic “God’s Promise of Redemption”.  The main texts are Romans 5:12-19 and Romans 3:21-26. Key Learning Points: 1.     God’s promise of redemption was announced in Genesis 3:15, immediately after the fall, and has been fulfilled in Christ.   God had it all planned out long before Read more…

Sin and its Consequences

Theme: The Foundation of the Christian Faith Good evening everyone, Please see attached the next study outline in this Quarter’s Theme of “The Foundation of the Christian Faith”  The topic is “ Sin and its consequences with the main text being Genesis 3:1-24. Key Learning Points Yours in His love and service

God’s Purpose in Creation

Theme: The Foundation of the Christian Faith Good evening everyone, Please find attached the second Bible Study in this Quarter’s Theme of “The Foundations of the Christian Faith”.  The sermon topic is “God’s Purpose in Creation, the main texts being Genesis 1:26-31 and Acts 17:26-28. Key Learning Points: 1.     God created man in His own image (“copy”) and likeness (“pattern”) to be His image bearer and vice-regent on the earth (Gen 1:26 – 28) 2.     God gave Read more…

In the Beginning

Theme: The Foundation of the Christian Faith Dear Brethren, Happy New Year! Our God has been faithful and has allowed us the awesome privilege of coming into this year 2024. This Quarter’s Theme is “The Foundation of the Christian Faith” and the first sermon topic for the year is “In the Beginning” with main text from John 1:1-18, 29-34. Key Learning Points:  1.     Jesus Christ is the Word which existed from the very beginning, before the foundation of Read more…

Come, Lord Jesus

Theme: The Urgency of the Last Days Dear Brethren,  I trust that this email meets you well. Here we are in the last few days of 2023. Our God is good and He is worthy of our praise forever!  Please find attached, the Bible Study Outline for the last Sunday of 2023 titled, “Come, Lord Jesus”, with scriptural reference from Revelation 22:1-21. Such an apt lesson as we come to the end of our Quarter Theme, Read more…