Manifesting God in the Marketplace

Theme: Living Out Our Faith Dear Brothers and Sisters, Please find attached the Bible Study Outline for Sunday 21 July entitled “Manifesting God In The Marketplace”.  This is the next in our Quarter Series on Living Out Your Faith – A study of the book of Daniel.  The main text is Daniel 2:24-49 and the key learning points are as follows: 1.    There is a God in heaven who reveals secrets.  He makes them Read more…

Trusting God Against All Odds

Theme: Living Out Our Faith Good evening Brothers and Sisters, I attach the second study in our Quarter 3 Series on Living Out our Faith.  The topic is “Trusting God Against All Odds and the main text is Daniel 2:1-23. The key learning points are: 1.           It is God who gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.   He reveals secret things and knows what is in the darkness (Daniel Read more…

Do Not Conform To The World

Theme: Living Out Our Faith – A Study of the Life of Daniel Good day Brothers and Sisters, Welcome to the second half of 2024! I am pleased to attach the first Bible Study Outline of our exciting new series for Quarter 3 entitled Living Out Our Faith – A Study of the Life of Daniel. The topic of this first study is “Do not conform to the World”. Our text is Daniel 1:1-21. The Read more…

A Spirit-Led Life

Theme: Strengthening our Faith Good evening brothers and sisters, Please see the final Bible Study Outline in our Quarter Series on Strengthening our Faith.  The topic is A Spirit Led Life and the main text is Romans 8:1-17.  The key learning points are: 1.    To lead a Spirit-led life is how we are delivered from the power of sin, how we learn to live a life that says “NO’ to the desires of my Read more…

Obedience: An Act of faith

Theme: Strengthening Our Faith Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I attach the Bible Study Outline for Sunday 23 June 2024 on “Obedience: an act of faith.  This is the penultimate study in our current Quarter Series on Strengthening Our Faith.  The main texts are 1 John 2:3-6, Hebrews 11:8-10, and James 1:22-25.  The key learning points are: 1.    Our knowledge of, and love for God is proven and made complete by our obedience Read more…

Modeling Christ

Theme: Strengthening our Faith Dear Brothers and Sisters, Please see attached the next Bible Study Outline in our current Quarter Series on Strengthening our Faith.  The study is entitled “Modelling Christ”.  The main texts are John 13:34-35; Philippians 4:9 and 1 Peter 5: 2-3.The key leaning points are as follows: 1.    The life of a believer ought to reflect the very life, nature and character of Jesus Christ. We should be an example to Read more…

Being an Effective Witness

Theme: Strengthening Our Faith Good morning dear brothers and sisters, I attach the latest study outline in our Quarter Series: “Strengthening our Faith.  The topic is Being an effective witness and the main text is 1 Peter 3:15.  The key leaning points are as follows:    To be an effective witness of Christ:       We must submit to His Lordship and live in communion with Him (1 Peter 3:15) Yours in His love and Read more…

Spiritual Growth through Fellowship

Theme: Strengthening our Faith Dear Brothers and Sisters, Please see attached the next study in our Quarterly Series “Strengthening our Faith”.  The topic is Spiritual Growth through Fellowship with the main texts being Acts 2:40-47; Hebrews 10:24-25 and Proverbs 27:17.  The key learning points are: Yours in His love and mine Click here for online version

Strength through Gratitude

Theme: Strengthening our Faith Good evening everyone, Please see attached Bible Study Outline for this coming Sunday on the topic “Strength through Gratitude” which is part of our Quarterly Series on Strengthening Our Faith.  The main text is 1 Thessalonikians 5:16-18.  The key learning points are as follows: Yours in His love and mine Click here for online version

Resisting the Alternative Worldview

Theme: “Strengthening Our Faith Good afternoon Brothers and Sisters, The next Bible Study Outline in our Quartlery Series  “Strengthening our Faith” is attached.  The topic is “Resisting the Alternative World View and our main texts are Romans 1:18-32, 12:1-2, and Ephesians 6:10-18.  The key learning points are as follows: Yours in His service Click here for online version