Jesus: His Life of Obedience

Theme: The Life of Jesus Please see attached outline for Sunday 18th for your perusal on lessons from Jesus’ life of obedience. Key learning points should include: When obeying God creates a tension, obedience to God supersedes obedience to parents or to any other earthly authority. Obedience is something we grow in as we mature physically and mentally, just as Jesus did. And humility is vital to our growing in obedience. Obedience to God cost Read more…

Jesus: His Purpose

Theme: Lessons from the Life of Jesus We continue our series on the lessons from the Life of Jesus. Our focus this Sunday will be His purpose.  Key Learning Points: 1.     Jesus started His public ministry having full clarity about His purpose and mission. And that purpose was firmly anchored in Scripture and on doing the will of God. 2.    Jesus’ primary reason for coming into the world is to save man from sin Read more…

Lessons from the Life of Jesus – His Resurrection

Theme: Lessons from the Life of Jesus On this Easter Sunday and the first Sunday of the quarter, we consider Jesus’ resurrection. See attached outline for your reference. Key Learning Points Should Include: Jesus’ resurrection is an essential part of God’s plan for salvation (1 Corinthians 15:4) Jesus’ resurrection from death is an undeniable event in history to show us that death no longer has any power over any who have placed their faith in Read more…

The Attributes of God – Glory

Theme: The Attributes of God Key Lessons should include: 1.         God’s glory as an attribute is the consummation of all His other attributes. It is the infinite beauty and greatness of God’s manifold perfections. 2.         Everything God has made testifies to His glory. God wants His glory to be known, and like Moses, we need to behold God’s glory. A proper appreciation of God’s glory helps us to see how amazing and wonderful our God really is. Read more…

The Attributes of God: Eternal

Theme: The Attributes of God Please find attached the outline for Sunday 21/3/2021 for your perusal and reference. Key Learning Points should include: 1.      The eternal attribute of God means He has no beginning or ending. There never was a time when He was not, and there will never be a time when He ceases to be. Man cannot use his understanding of time to define God’s eternal existence. 2.      The eternal attribute of God is what Read more…

The Attributes of God: Pre-eminent

Theme: The Attributes of God Please find attached the outline for next Sunday’s Bible study.  Key Lessons: 1.     God is pre-eminent in ways that the rulers and authorities of this world cannot even begin to imagine. 2.     The only logical and appropriate response to the pre-eminent God is worship. 3.     To properly understand God’s pre-eminent attribute, one must look at Jesus Christ. Jesus is the embodiment and complete manifestation of the pre-eminent attribute of God. Read more…

The Attributes of God: Righteous and Just

Theme: The Attributes of God Please find attached the Bible study outline for Sunday 7th March for your reference.  Key Learning Points1. Righteousness and justice are the foundation of God’s throne. Everything God does emanates from this principle. Therefore every definition of righteousness and justice should flow from Him and not from our human understanding or from any human system. He is righteous, His work is perfect and all His ways are just.2. God’s attribute Read more…

The Attributes of God – Unchangeable and True

Theme: The Attributes of God Please find attached the outline for Sunday 28th February on the unchangeable and true attributes of God. Key Learning Points should include: That God is unchangeable does not mean that He can change but simply does not. It means that He cannot change. God was the same when He created the earth as He is today. He will always be the same, in all His perfections and glory, for all eternity. God is true Read more…

The Attributes of God: Sovereign

Theme: The Attributes of God Like the other attributes of God, the sovereign attribute of God is quite interesting, deep and wide. So, there are quite a number of passages referenced. They are not the only ones and are helpful for personal studies. But for those leading the group discussions, you may have to decide ahead of time which ones to read in your group. Key learning points: 1.     Whereas the sovereignty of nations and monarchs Read more…

The Attributes of God: Love and Faithful

Theme: The Attributes of God Brethren, In this season of Valentine, how fitting it is to be looking at God’s attributes of love and faithful. See attached outline for your reference. Key Lessons: 1.         Love is an essential part of God’s character. God loves because He is love. The controlling principle of the universe is not an abstract quality of love, as some erroneously imply, but that the sovereign God is the source of all Read more…