Jesus: His Teaching on the Word of God

Theme: Lessons from the Life of Jesus Attached is our Bible study outline for Sunday June 27, 2021 for your reference. The topic is: Jesus, His teaching on the word of God. Key Learning Points: God’s Word is our “very life.” The foundation of God’s Kingdom is His Word. So, we need to do our best to hear, understand and accept it for it to produce the desired fruit. The enemy cannot destroy the seed. But if given a Read more…

Jesus- His Teaching on the Father’s love

Theme: Lessons from the Life of Jesus It is Fathers’ Day this Sunday and our Bible Study takes a look at Jesus’ teaching on the Father’s Love. Please see attached outline for your reference and preparation.Key lesson should include: When the son was old enough to make his own decision (foolish as it was) the father let him make it ─ he loved him enough to let go. God, our Father, is like this. He lets us Read more…

Jesus: His Teaching on Forgiveness

Theme: Lessons from the Life of Jesus Our studies on the series on Lessons from the Life and Ministry of Jesus brings us, this Sunday, to His teaching on forgiveness. Please see the outline attached for your reference. Key Learning Points should include: 1.     Forgiveness is a central theme of the Christian faith. And as difficult as it sometimes may be, we must endeavor to live by it in all its representations 2.     Forgiveness is Read more…

Jesus: His Prayer Life

Theme: The Life of Jesus Please find attached the outline for Sunday June 6 for your review ahead of our adult Bible study.  Key Learning Points should include: 1.      Prayer is a way of staying connected with God 2.      Jesus taught us that prayer is submission to the will of God 3.      Jesus’ prayers were wide-ranging both in scope and depth and continue forever – and this should serve as a model for us today. I pray that Read more…

Jesus: His Ministry to Children

Theme: Lessons from the Life of Jesus We continue this Sunday with our series on Lessons from the Life of Jesus. This Sunday, we shall be looking at Jesus’ ministry to children. Key Learnings should include: 1.     God’s love for children is evident in scripture. Children are a vital part of God’s plan, and a treasure of His earthly and heavenly kingdom. They are precious in His sight! 2.     Ministering to children was not a secondary ministry Read more…

Jesus: His Outreach to the Lost

Theme: Lessons From The Life of Jesus Please find attached the outline for Sunday May 23, for your perusal. Key learning points 1.   Jesus reached out generally to the crowd that followed Him, teaching and preaching the kingdom of God to them everywhere making use of every opportunity. 2.   Jesus also sought to have one-on-one engagement with individuals regardless of who they were or what the society had labelled them. He looked out for those who were seeking Read more…

Jesus: His Healing Ministry

Theme: The Life of Jesus We continue our quarter series on Lessons from the Life of Jesus. This Sunday, we focus on His healing Ministry. Attached is the outline for your reference. Key Learnings should include: 1.     The healing miracles, signs and wonders our Lord performed testify to the truth of His person, the son of God and message. John specifically states that the miracles he included in his gospel were for the purpose that his Read more…

Jesus: His Ministry – The Role of Women

Theme: The Life of Jesus Our hope is that you are rejoicing in Jesus amid the challenges of life. Our Bible study this Sunday is taking a look at Jesus’ Ministry – The Role of Women. This is fitting as the Sunday is also making Mothers’ Day Key Learning Points should include: 1.     It is not only men who are expected to follow Jesus. Women also need to follow Jesus because God’s original plan for Read more…

Jesus: His Making of Disciples

Theme: The Life of Jesus We continue our quarter series on the Life of Jesus. This Sunday, we shall be looking at His making of disciples. See outline attached. Key learning points should include: Obedience is the key character ingredient Jesus is looking for in a disciple. And it starts with accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior followed by a commitment to a life of following him in obedience.  Becoming a disciple of Jesus is usually a step-by step process. It is learning through faith Read more…

Jesus: His Victory Over Temptation

Theme: The Life of Jesus We continue with our series on Lesson from the Life of Jesus. This Sunday, we shall be looking at what we can learn from His Victory over Temptation. Key Learning Points: 1.     The nature of temptation (and the tempter) is to cast doubt on the integrity and faithfulness of God, and to obscure our identity in Christ. “If you are the Son of God…” 2.     Jesus provides us a never-failing template for Read more…