Restored to Serve: Apostle Paul

Theme: “Living A Life Of Sacrifice And Service” Good afternoon all, Please see attached the Bible Study Outline on the topic “Restored to Serve:  Apostle Paul.  This is the next in our Quarter Seris on Living a Life of Sacrifice and Service.  Our main texts are Acts 22:1-16 and 2 Corinthians 11:22-28.  The key learning points are: 1.      Apostle Paul’s transformation demonstrates what it means to forsake all and follow Christ. Paul understood and fully Read more…

Serving and Sacrificing in the Community

Theme: “Living A Life Of Sacrifice And Service” Good evening brothers and sisters, I attach the Bible Study Outline for this coming Sunday on the topic Serving and Sacrificing in the Community.  This is the next study in our Quarter Series on Living a Life of Sacrifice and Service.  The main texts are Acts 2:42-47 and4:32-37.  The key learning points are as follows: 1.      God’s desire for all believers is that we be united. No Read more…

Thanksgiving as an Act of Sacrifice

Theme: “Living A Life Of Sacrifice And Service” Dear Brothers and Sisters, Please see attached the Bible Study outline for the Thanksgiving Service on the Topic Thanksgiving as an act of sacrifice.  Our main text is Psalms 100:1-5 and the key learning points are as follows: 1.      Thanksgiving is the right response of a creature to his loving Creator and an act of sacrifice that honors God.2.      Thanksgiving is the will of God toward us.  Read more…

Serving God with Our Resources

Theme: “Living A Life Of Sacrifice And Service” Good morning brothers and sisters, Please find attached the Bible Study Outline for Sunday, November 17 on the topic “Serving God with our Resources.  This is the next study in our Quarter Series on Living a Life of Sacrifice and Service.  The main text is Genesis 18:1-8 and the key learning points are as follows: 1.      Showing hospitality to strangers, as Abraham did in Genesis 18, is Read more…

Serving Each Other as One Body in Christ

Theme: “Living A Life Of Sacrifice And Service” Good evening Brothers and Sisters, Please find attached the Bible Study Outline for Sunday 10 November on the topic: Serving each other as One Body in Christ.  This is the next topic in our Quarter’s theme on Living a life of sacrifice and service.  The main text is 1 Corinthians 12:4-26 and the key learning points are as follows: 1.      Our individual spiritual gifts and talents were Read more…

Serving with Compassion

Theme: “Living A Life Of Sacrifice And Service” Good day Brothers and Sisters, Please find the next study in our Quarter Series theme “Living A Life Of Sacrifice and Service” attached.  The topic : Serving with Compassion and our text is Luke 10:25-37 which is the well known (but, perhaps, not as well understood) story of the Good Samaritan.  The key learning points are as follows: Knowing the truth, being an expert in the Word Read more…

Demonstrating Sacrificial Love

Theme: “Living A Life Of Sacrifice And Service” Good day Brothers and Sisters, I attache the Bible Study Outline for Sunday 27 October 2024 on the topic “Demonstrating Sacrificial Love”.  This is the next in our current Quarter Series on Living a Life of Sacrifice and Service.  The main texts are John 3:16, 15:9-17, and 1 Corinthians 13:4-7.  The key learning points are as follows: 1.    God who is divine demonstrated His love by Read more…

Embracing the Christ-like Character of Humility

Theme: “Living A Life Of Sacrifice And Service” Dear Brothers and Sisters, Please find attached the VFC Bible Study on the topic “Embracing the Christlike Character of Humility.  This is the next study in our Quarter Series on Living a Life of Sacrifice and Service.  The main text is Philippians 2:1-8 and the main learning points are as follows: 1.    Jesus Christ is the model of Christ-like humility.2.    To embrace humility is a Read more…

Jesus our Ultimate Example of Sacrifice and Service

Theme: “Living A Life Of Sacrifice And Service” Dear Brothers and Sisters, Please find attached Bible  s‬‬‬‬tudy outline for 13 October on the topic “Jesus, Our Ultimate Example of Sacrifice and Service.  This is the second in our Quarter’s series on the theme “ Living a Life of Sacrifice and Service”.  The main text is Mathew 20:20-28 and the key learning points are as follows: 1.    Christians are to “do nothing from selfish ambition Read more…

Sacrificial Service an Act of Worship

Theme: “Living A Life Of Sacrifice And Service” Dear Brothers and Sisters, We are at the start of a new quarter – the “embers” of 2024!  Attached is the first Bible Study in our new Quarter Series “Living A Life Of Sacrifice And Service”.  Our first topic is “Sacrificial Service: An Act Of Worship”.  The main texts are Romans 12:1-2 and Mark 10:42 – 45.  The key learning points are: 1.    Sacrificial service is Read more…