The Holy Spirit teaches and inspires us

Theme:The Person Work of the Holy Spirit This Sunday, we shall be considering the teaching ministry of the Holy Spirit.  Key Learning Points: 1.      Just like Jesus’ initial disciples, we cannot bear hearing and knowing all that Jesus wants us to all at once. So, like them, we need the Holy Spirit who will teach us the truth of God at the appropriate time and measure (John 16:12-13) 2.      The human mind cannot be relied on for Read more…

The Holy Spirit gives us liberty

Theme: The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit These studies on the Person and work of the Holy Spirit have blessed me greatly. I hope you have been blessed by them too. We continue this week with a look at the liberating work of the Holy SPIRIT. Attached is the outline for our perusal. I encourage you to do the study ahead of our meeting on Sunday (Zoom or in-person). Key Learnings: Liberty is Read more…

The Holy Spirit intercedes for us

Theme:The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit We continue our series on the Person and Ministry of the Holy Spirit with a look at the intercessory ministry of the Holy Spirit. See attached outline for your reference. Key Learning Points Our God is so kind. He gave us His Holy Spirit to intercede for us in addition to all the other things He does for us. God did not even want to leave us Read more…

The Holy Spirit gives us boldness

Theme: The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit Please find attached the outline for Bible Study for Sunday 15th August. Topic is ‘THe Holy Spirit Gives us Boldness’ Key Learnings: 1.     The gospel of Jesus Christ has the tendency to draw hostility towards any who proclaim it. So, we need great courage to faithfully proclaim it. 2.     Boldness cannot be stored. The Holy Spirit gives it when and where we need it. 3.     The same Holy Spirit Read more…

The Holy Spirit counsels and guides us into all truth

Theme: The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit Brethren, I have enjoyed these studies on the person and work of the Holy Spirit and trust that you have.  This Sunday we turn to the Holy Spirit’s work of counselling and guiding us into all truth. Please find attached the outline for Sunday 8th August for your reference. Key Learning Points: 1.      Just like Jesus’ initial disciples, we cannot bear hearing and knowing all that Jesus Read more…

The Holy Spirit empowers us for ministry

Theme: The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit This Sunday, we shall be looking at the empowerment of the Holy Spirit for ministry. Please see attached for your perusal. Key Learning Points: 1.      The Holy Spirit is God’s power for ministry. The Christian believer cannot truly be effective in ministry without the empowerment of the Holy Spirit 2.      The Holy Spirit empowers the believer with spiritual gifts for ministry so that Christ is glorified in the Read more…

The Holy Spirit sanctifies the Believer

Theme: The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit Our series on the Person and work of the Holy Spirit continues this Sunday with a look at His sanctifying work in the believer. See attached outline for your reference. Key Learning Points should include: 1. The Holy Spirit is the one that sanctifies the believer and this work of sanctification by the Holy Spirit starts at the time of our salvation when we come to Read more…

The Holy Spirit Seals the Believer

Theme: The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit Key Learnings should include: 1.     The Holy Spirit’s seal is God’s stamp of ownership on the believer. As one means of guaranteeing His promises to those who have received Jesus Christ, God has sealed [them] in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise. Every believer is given the very Holy Spirit of God the moment he trusts in Christ. 2.     The sealing of the Holy Spirit guarantees the benefits of our salvation, as Read more…

The Holy Spirit convicts of sin

Theme: The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit Our quarter series on the Person and work of the Holy Spirit continues this Sunday with a look at the role of the Holy Spirit in convicting the world of sin. See attached for your reference and preparation. May I encourage us to find time to look through the outline so that our study time (online or in-person) will be enriched. Key Learnings should include: 1.     Without Read more…

The Person of the Holy Spirit

Theme: The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit We completed our Quarter 2 series last Sunday. It is our hope that you saw something new from the life of Jesus. And this Sunday, we kick off our Quarter 3 series on the person and work of the Holy Spirit. We start with a look at the Person of the Holy Spirit. See outline attached for your reference. Key learning Points should include: 1.  The Read more…