The Attributes of God: Omnipotent

Theme: The Attributes of God Brethren, Last Sunday we looked at holiness as a unique attribute of God. This Sunday, we shall continue our study on the Attributes of God with a look at His omnipotence. See attached study outline for your reference. Key learning points should include: 1.      God’s omnipotence means that HE has unlimited power to do whatever HE wants. But HE does not use it to satisfy our imaginations or fit into our Read more…

The Attributes of God: Holiness

Theme: The Attributes of God Brethren, Last Sunday, we kicked off our quarter series on The Attributes of God with a look at His Self-Existent Attribute. One of the key lessons from that study is that Self-existence is exclusively and peculiar to God of the Christians.  This Sunday, we continue on the series with a look at The Attributes of God – Holiness (see attached outline). Key Lessons include: 1.     God is holy and His holiness is so glorious that Read more…

Lessons from the Wise men

Theme: Spiritual Discipline for Christian Growth Merry Christmas Brethren, Last week’s Sunday School topic was: The Word Became Flesh. And one of the key lessons from that study is that God becoming human in the person of Jesus Christ is a foundational truth of Christianity, one on which our saving faith is anchored.  Our Sunday School topic this Sunday is: Lessons From the Wise Men. See attached outline. Key Learning Points Include That: The faith and diligence of the wise Read more…

The Word Became Flesh

Theme: Spiritual Discipline for Christian Growth Brethren, Compliments of the Season. One of the key lessons from last Sunday’s  study on The Spiritual Discipline of Submission and Obedience is that obedience is the supreme test of our faith in God and reverence for His name (Ephesians 5:21; 1 Peter 2:13). So, we submit and obey constituted authority because God expects His children to do so, not only when it is pleasant but even when it Read more…

Submission and Obedience

Theme: Spiritual Discipline for Christian Growth Brethren, We continue our series on Spiritual Discipline with a look at the Discipline of Submission and Obedience. See outline attached Key Learning points are: 1.     The discipline of obedience and submission lies in the fact that God has given us the freedom to daily choose to obey/submit or not. And God is hoping that we will use this freedom and out of reverence for Him to choose rightly. Read more…

Spiritual Discipline: Simplicity

Theme: Spiritual Discipline for Christian Growth Brethren, Last Sunday’s Bible study was on the Spiritual Discipline of Confession and Repentance. One of the lessons is the fact that confession and repentance are essential Christian disciplines which help us maintain intimacy with God.This Sunday, we shall be looking at the Spiritual Discipline of Simplicity. Key Learning Points include: Simplicity is a state of mind, depicted by singleness of heart and purpose, sincerity, pure motive, unambiguity, and Read more…

Spiritual Discipline: Confession and Repentance

Theme: Spiritual Discipline for Christian Growth Brethren, Last Sunday, our study on the Spiritual Discipline of Solitude and Silence highlighted our need to be more deliberate in seeking solitude and silence so as to deepen our relationship with God, among others.  This Sunday, we shall be looking at the Spiritual Discipline of Confession and Repentance. Key Learning Points include: 1.     Confession and repentance are part of our spiritual discipline because they are essential for living Read more…

Spiritual Discipline: Solitude and Silence.

Theme: Spiritual Discipline for Christian Growth Dear Brethren, For our Bible Study this Sunday, Topic is Solitude and Silence. See outline attached for your reference Key Learning Points include Solitude and silence are terms so central to the Christian faith if a deep relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is to be cultivated. Every believer must deliberately pursue these virtues as Jesus often did. Jesus longed for times alone with the Father so much Read more…

Spiritual Discipline: Fellowship

Theme: Spiritual Discipline for Christian Growth Dear All, Last Sunday, our studies on Spiritual Disciplines for Christian Growth led us to consider Stewardship of Time and Money.  One of the lessons from that study is that as believers, we are to use our Master’s time and money in ways that will accrue eternal benefits (Luke 16:11-12). Our topic for consideration this Sunday is Spiritual Discipline- Fellowship. Key Learning Points Fellowship means being a part of Read more…