Blessed Are The Persecuted

Theme: The Beatitudes Brethren, Trust this finds you well? Please forgive me for sending this so late. I ran into some serious hitch This Sunday, we look at the last of the Beatitudes. It must have shocked Jesus’ listeners that He wrapped up the Beatitudes with the bow of persecution, the same way many would want wish away this reality for the man who would associate with Jesus Christ.  Key Learnings:1. The more we demonstrate the Read more…

Blessed Are The Peacemakers

Theme: The Beatitudes Brethren, Hope this finds you well? This week, we come to the 7th Beatitude – the blessedness of the peacemakers. Key Learning Points: 1. By being peacemakers, we become like Jesus Christ who, as the Prince of Peace, came to reconcile us first to God, and then to one another.2. Peacemaking is action. It requires that we step into conflict and attempt resolution. That is exactly what Jesus did. He stepped into Read more…

Blessed Are The Pure In Heart: Growing In Purity

Theme: The Beatitudes Brethren, How are you doing today? I trust you are well. This week, we look at the second part on the blessedness of the pure in heart. This time, we shall be considering how we might grow in purity. Key Learnings points are:1. To be pure in heart means to be free from defilements. The pure heart is marked by transparency and an uncompromising desire to please God in all things. It is more than Read more…

Blessed Are The Pure In Heart: Single-Minded Devotion To God

Theme: The Beatitudes Brethren, This Sunday, we shall look at the sixth beatitude – the blessedness of the pure in heart, with a special focus on purity of devotion to God. It reminds one of the first commandment – to love God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength. Our Key Learning Points are: 1.      Purity of heart is to love and will one thing. That is what loving God with all one’s heart, Read more…

Blessed Are The Merciful

Topic: The Beatitudes Brethren, This week we come to the fifth beatitude as contained in the Sermon on the Mount – This blessedness of the merciful. And when you think of Peter’s question which triggered Jesus’ story in Matthew 18:21-35, you realize how much we need this beatitude. Key Learning Points:1. To be merciful is to be God-like because mercy is an attribute of God and pervades everything He does to and for us.2. Mercy Read more…

Blessed Are Those Who Hunger And Thirst

Theme: The Beatitudes Brethren, Love is in the air😊 But that is not the topic of our Bible Study this Sunday. Our Bible Study this week continues our quarter series on the Beatitudes. And we shall be looking at the Blessedness of those who hunger and thirst. Key Learning Points are:1. Many People crave for many things today – food, water, love, power, etc., but God will have His children to hunger and thirst for Read more…

Blessed Are The Meek

Theme: The Beatitudes Brethren, Happy new month.  We continue with our quarter series on the Beatitudes. This time, we look at the blessedness of the meek. Key Learnings:1. “Meekness” is a humble attitude that expresses itself in the patient endurance of offences. “Gentleness” is a practical synonym. It implies mercy and self-restraint. Meekness is not weakness; it is power under control.2. Though the world may not celebrate or appreciate it, meekness is expected in the Read more…

Evangelism as a Be-Attitude

Theme: The Beatitudes It is Mission Sunday and our Bible study draws our attention to evangelism as a be-attitude. Hope you are ready? See attached outline for your reference and preparation. Key Learning Points: 1.     Evangelism is a primary reason Jesus Christ calls people to Himself. It is a call, commission, and commandment to all believers, and we have been given power and authority to do it. Like Paul, it is a necessity laid upon Read more…

Blessed Are Those Who Mourn

Theme: The Beatitudes Brethren, Often, our prayers tend to incline towards a problem free life. But in ‘Blessed are those who mourn,’ our Lord Jesus seems to be turning that on its head. Please see attached outline as you prepare for this challenging teaching on the blessedness of loss/grief.  Key learning points include: God desires that we mourn when we commit sin, i.e., experience godly sorrow, and that we repent genuinely and turn away from Read more…

Blessed are the Poor in Spirit: Humility and Dependence

Theme: The Beatitudes This SUnday, we continue our study on the blessedness of those who are poor in spirit. This time, our focus is on humility and dependence as aspects of that poverty of spirit. Key Learning points include: 1.     Dependence on God enables humility because we realize Jesus is the only possible strength for our weakness. To pretend otherwise is folly. 2.     When we all humble ourselves before God and one another (whether we Read more…