Love is Selfless

Theme: Love: A More Excellent Way As we continue our study on Love- A more excellent way of love, we come, this week, to the topic: Love is Selfless. See attached outline for your perusal. Key learnings 1.     Generosity, which is the very opposite of selfishness, is a characteristic of true love, which seeks to give and not take for oneself. 2.     Courtesy is also an expression of selflessness. Courteous people do not demand to be first Read more…

Love Fulfills The Law

Theme: Love: A More Excellent Way In continuation of our quarter series on Love: A More Excellent Way, we shall be looking at Love fulfilling the law. See attached outline for your reference. Key Learning points: 1.     Love is enormously important to the Christian life because that is how we show that we are children of God. So, the ten commandments, and any other commandment there may be, are basically examples of what loving God Read more…

Love is Patient and Kind

Theme: Love: A More Excellent Way Attached is the outline for Sunday’s Bible study for your reference. The topic is ‘Love is patient and kind. Kindly review ahead of time to make our discussion richer and more beneficial. Key learning points are: It is impossible to practice agape without the cornerstone attributes of patience and kindness. Patience and kindness with one another can be intentionally cultivated in our hearts. We become motivated to practice patience when Read more…

The Excellency of Love

Theme: Love: A More Excellent Way This Sunday is the opening Sunday of the quarter. Our quarter theme is Love: A More Excellent Way. And we start with a look at The Excellency of Love. Key Learnings Points are: 1.     To love is a command, and so mandatory, whereas spiritual gifts are things we can aspire or desire and which one may or may not get the desired gift.   2.     Unlike spiritual gifts, love is the Read more…

The Holy Spirit Unites Us

Theme: The Person Work of the Holy Spirit This SUnday, we conclude our quarter series on the person and work of the Holy Spirit. And fittingly, the concluding topic is ‘The Holy Spirit Unites us’  Key Learning Points Include: 1.      The Holy Spirit unites the believer with Christ and places him in the body of Christ, the Church.  2.      The believer has a part to play in this unity of the Spirit. We do that Read more…

The Holy Spirit gives us spiritual gifts

Theme: The Person Work of the Holy Spirit This Sunday, our Bible study will be exploring the work of the Holy Spirit in giving us spiritual gifts. Attached is the outline for your perusal. Key Learning Points: 1.     Spiritual gifts are divinely given capacities to perform the various needs in the Church. Just as the human body has members with different capacities, so individual Christians forming the church as the body of Christ have different capacities Read more…

The Holy Spirit Helps us Bear Spiritual Fruit

Theme: The Person Work of the Holy Spirit This Sunday, we shall be looking at another exciting aspect of the work and ministry of the Holy Spirit in the believer – helping us bear spiritual fruit. The outline is attached herewith for your perusal. Key Learning points: 1.     Though we are saved when we believe in Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection, yet that faith must go beyond mere intellectual conviction to manifest in the way we serve Read more…

The Holy Spirit teaches and inspires us

Theme:The Person Work of the Holy Spirit This Sunday, we shall be considering the teaching ministry of the Holy Spirit.  Key Learning Points: 1.      Just like Jesus’ initial disciples, we cannot bear hearing and knowing all that Jesus wants us to all at once. So, like them, we need the Holy Spirit who will teach us the truth of God at the appropriate time and measure (John 16:12-13) 2.      The human mind cannot be relied on for Read more…

The Holy Spirit gives us liberty

Theme: The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit These studies on the Person and work of the Holy Spirit have blessed me greatly. I hope you have been blessed by them too. We continue this week with a look at the liberating work of the Holy SPIRIT. Attached is the outline for our perusal. I encourage you to do the study ahead of our meeting on Sunday (Zoom or in-person). Key Learnings: Liberty is Read more…

The Holy Spirit intercedes for us

Theme:The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit We continue our series on the Person and Ministry of the Holy Spirit with a look at the intercessory ministry of the Holy Spirit. See attached outline for your reference. Key Learning Points Our God is so kind. He gave us His Holy Spirit to intercede for us in addition to all the other things He does for us. God did not even want to leave us Read more…