Manifesting as Salt and Light

Theme: The World Earnestly Awaits Your Manifestation Brethren, Trust this message finds you well. Christmas in the air! In John 3:19 Jesus declared the entrance of light into the world. But sadly, men preferred darkness rather than the Light. So, He left us here to continue to shine the light into our world. Salt and light are the focus of our Bible study this Sunday as we continue the quarter series on The World Eagerly Awaits Your Read more…

Love One Another

Theme: Love: A More Excellent Way Compliments of the season. All this quarter, we have been exploring Love- A more excellent way. THis week, we turn our focus to a real and direct command – Love one another. See attached outline for your reference. Key learning points include: 1.     Love one another is a command not a suggestion. A distinguishing mark of being a follower of Christ is a deep, sincere love for brothers and Read more…

Love Finds its Joy in Doing Good

Theme: Love: A More Excellent Way I trust this finds you well and rejoicing in Jesus. We continue with our quarter series on Love- A more excellent way. The topic we are considering this time is ‘Love finds joy in doing good’ See attached outline for your reference. Key Learning points include: 1.     Love that finds joy in doing good is decided, intentional and premeditated 2.     Since love comes from God, the ability to find Read more…

God’s Love in Action

Theme: Love: A More Excellent Way Our series on Love-A More Excellent Way is getting more tangible as we look at God’s love in action. Key learnings 1.     God’s Love is Revealed in Christ – Christians must look to God and to Jesus Christ for a picture of what love in action is (relentless, enabling, other seeking, self-initiating & sacrificial) and apply them to our lives. 2.     God’s Love is Revealed through His Children – Read more…

Love Thinks No Evil But Rejoices With The Truth

Love: A More Excellent Way Our series on ‘Love –  a more excellent way’ has us looking at another thing love is and is not – ‘Love thinks no evil but rejoices with the truth.’ See attached outline for your reference. KEY LEARNING POINTS 1.     ‘Thinking evil’ means keeping a record of wrongs done to us. This is taking the command to forgive to a higher level of not even keeping record of the wrong Read more…

Love is the Greatest Gift

Theme: Love: A More Excellent Way Our quarter series on Love- A more excellent way is getting more exciting. This Sunday, we shall be looking at Love as the greatest gift. See outline attached for your reference. Key Learning Points: 1.     God’s gift of Himself to us through Christ’s redemption and the gift of the Holy Spirit as God abiding in and with us forever is the greatest gift God could ever give us. 2.     God left Read more…

Love and Submission.

Love: A More Excellent Way We series on Love- A More Excellent Way continues this week. This time, we shall be looking at Love and Submission. See outline attached for your reference. Key Learning points: 1.     Jesus calls us to a life of humility and submissions, where we must be willing to do lowly and sometimes even repulsive acts of service. 2.     Loving others and submitting ourselves one to another will always be a distinguishing Read more…

Love Does Not Dishonour Others And is Not Easily Provoked

Theme: Love: A More Excellent Way We continue our study of Love- The Most Excellent Way. This time, we take a look at another thing Love is not and does not – does not dishonour others and not easily provoked. See attached outline for your reference. Key Learning Points: 1.      Since love is seeking the good of the other person, rudeness, at its core, emanates from a lack of love for other people. And reveals an Read more…

Love is Not Boastful and Proud

Theme: Love: A More Excellent Way Our study on Love, A most excellent way continues this Sunday. Having looked at what love is, we turn our attention to what love is not, starting with ‘Love is not boastful and proud. Key Learning Points: 1.     Boasting and pride are self-focused, which is the direct opposite of what Christian love is. As such, boasting and pride cannot coexist with godly love. 2.     As Christians, we should not Read more…

Love Your Enemies

Theme: Love: A More Excellent Way This week, our study on Love- A Most excellent way brings us to this tough command from our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ. This is especially fitting considering the experiences of many among us, directly and or indirectly. Please see the outline attached for your perusal and advance preparation. Key Learning points: 1.     Jesus’ command to love our enemies is wide-ranging. 2.     The command to love one’s enemy is Read more…