Importance of Seeking God

Theme: Lessons From The Life of David Brethren, How has your week been? We trust this finds you well. This Sunday, we shall continue our series on Lessons from the Life of David. And we shall be seeking to learn from him, the Importance of seeking God. The key lessons are outlined:1. God acknowledges our active seeking and willingly gives of Himself to us for all situations in which we seek His intervention(s). When we Read more…

Finding God in Loneliness

Theme: Lessons from the Life of David Brethren, No doubt you have heard or used the phrase ‘wilderness experience.’ This is it. A place of loneliness and destititution yet, with potential for great encounters with God. That is what David teaches us in our study today on the topic ‘Finding God in Loneliness’  Key learning points include:1. A time of loneliness can be confusing, distressing, and painful2. A time of loneliness is a time of Read more…

The Strength of True and Loyal Friendship

Theme: Lessons From The Life of David Brethren, Good evening. Hope this email finds you well. I am beginning to feel as if David’s is a complete school😇 If you have been following the quarter series so far, you are likely to agree with me. This Sunday, we approach David’s friendship with Jonathan to learn a thing or two about true and loyal friendship. And there is a lot to learn from the pair on the subject. Read more…

Handling Resentment

Theme: Lessons From The Life of David Brethren, How has your week been? I trust this email finds you well. We continue this Sunday with our quarter series on Lessons from the life of David. In our text this time we see how things seem to have quickly soured for David, especially in the eyes of king Saul. But amid the murderous jealosuy of his master, David teaches us a thing or two about how to Read more…

Facing The Giants in Your Life

Theme: Lessons From The Life of David Brethren, The David and Goliath story is a popular one. I often imagine myself as the one slaying the mammoth of a man called Goliath! But then I wake up and discover it has all been a dream.  Our study today examines this much told encounter and draws lessons from David on how we too can triumph over the giants in our lives. Key Learning points:1. Look beyond the odds stacked Read more…

Appearances Can Be Deceptive

Theme: Lessons from the life of David Brethren, Welcome to the month of July. And to the beginning of a new quarter.  Have you ever wondered why God described David as a man after His heart? Do you know what God meant by that statement?  This quarter, our study series will be taking a look at the life of David, and lessons from his life. This Sunday, we kick off the quarter series with a look Read more…

The Prayer of Faith

Theme: James: Faith in Action Brethren, I hope you had a great week? ANd that you have been blessed by this Quarter series on James- Faith in action. We conclude the series with a look at the prayer of faith. The prayer of faith is a common notion among believers. But what is it really? How does it ‘work’? Join us this Sunday for more.  Key Takeaways include: God answers prayers prayed according to His Read more…

Walking in Patience

Theme: James: Faith in Action Brethren, How are you doing? I trust that you are well and rejoicing in Jesus despite the challenges around us. Our quarter series on James- Faith in Action continues this Sunday as we explore the topic Walking in Patience. See attached outline. Key Learnings include:1. Trials are the building blocks God uses to work patience in us.2. When we walk in patience, our character is perfected. We learn more from those Read more…

Shunning Oppressive Behaviour

Theme: James: Faith in Action Brethren, Trust you are well. If you enjoyed last week’s study on ‘Life and Wealth in Perspective,’ then you will find this week’s study quite interesting and helpful. The topic this week is ‘Shunning Oppressive Behavior.’ And we should pay attention because only woe and misery await all such oppressors! (James 5:1) Key Learning Points:1. Using oppression to gain riches shows lack of trust in God who is our Source, our Read more…

Life and Wealth in Perspective

Theme: James: Faith in Action Brethren, Happy New MOnth. I trust this meets you and your family well. As you and I know, it is far easier to think about and talk about the brevity of our lives and our dependence on God than it is to live it. That is the issue we address this Sunday as we look at ‘Life and wealth in perspective’, as we continue our quarter series on Faith in Action. Key Read more…