The Connection Between Faith And Works

Theme: James: Faith in Action Brethren, Our journey in the Epistle of James brings us, this Sunday, to a pertinent question: Of what use is my claim to salvation by faith in Christ, yet all I ever do in response to legitimate needs of fellow believers is, ‘I will be praying for you…’? This question is part of the challenge from James 2:14-26 that we show a visible connection between our faith and our works. Read more…

Treating People Equally

Theme: James: Faith in Action Brethren, Trust this finds you well. Our series on faith in Action is digging deeper. We are moving from the general to specifics today as we focus on the topic: “Treating People Equally.” Just the thought of that in a highly segregated society as ours can seem like a joke. But see attached outline for your further reference. Key Learning Points:1. Treating people equally means giving the same level of Read more…

Putting The Word Into Action

Theme: James: Faith in Action Brethren, I trust that you are well. Our series on James, Faith in Action is getting to the place where ‘Putting the word into Action’ is no longer mere talk, as we zero in on James 1:19-27. See attached outline for your further reference. Key Learnings are:1. Between hearing and doing the word is understanding and acceptance. And the first step to understanding is paying careful attention to it. 2. It Read more…

The Cross, The Resurrection And The Mission

Theme: James: Faith In Action Brethren, It is another Easter Season. And how fitting that our Bible Study this Sunday is looking at The Cross, The Resurrection and The Mission. Key Learning Points:1. The Cross is the ultimate symbol of love and of the fulfilment of God’s promise of salvation. The Romans and their Jewish co-conspirators wanted the cross to be the ultimate symbol of cruelty and shame. But God meant it to be the Read more…

Asking In Faith

Theme: James: Faith In Action Key Learning points:1. God desires our complete and total trust in Him. God does not want us to have plan B; He is 100% capable and reliable all the time.2. God wants us to come boldly to Him in prayer and to ask in faith, unwavering, believing that He will answer us. And it starts with confidence in who God is and what He is like – generous and enjoys Read more…

Turning Trials To Triumph

Theme: James: Faith In Action Brethren, Happy new month and welcome to Q2 of 2022. Building on last quarter’s theme and objectives, our theme this quarter is ‘James – Faith in Action. We open the series with a look at ‘Turning Trials to Triumph. Key Learnings: 1.      Trials will come in varied form, magnitude, and timing. These trials, different from severe persecutions, would include social rejection and exclusions, loss of economic or material opportunities, etc. They Read more…

Beatitudes: The Summary

Theme: The Beatitudes Brethren, How are you doing today? I trust that your week has gone well so far. This Sunday, we come to the concluding study on our quarter series on The Beatitudes. To summarize are the following key learning points: The Beatitudes are countercultural: Being poor, sorrowful, humble, hungry and thirsty for righteousness, merciful, pure in heart, a peace maker and maintainer, and those who are persecuted for doing right for Christ’s sake, Read more…

Blessed Are The Persecuted

Theme: The Beatitudes Brethren, Trust this finds you well? Please forgive me for sending this so late. I ran into some serious hitch This Sunday, we look at the last of the Beatitudes. It must have shocked Jesus’ listeners that He wrapped up the Beatitudes with the bow of persecution, the same way many would want wish away this reality for the man who would associate with Jesus Christ.  Key Learnings:1. The more we demonstrate the Read more…

Blessed Are The Peacemakers

Theme: The Beatitudes Brethren, Hope this finds you well? This week, we come to the 7th Beatitude – the blessedness of the peacemakers. Key Learning Points: 1. By being peacemakers, we become like Jesus Christ who, as the Prince of Peace, came to reconcile us first to God, and then to one another.2. Peacemaking is action. It requires that we step into conflict and attempt resolution. That is exactly what Jesus did. He stepped into Read more…

Blessed Are The Pure In Heart: Growing In Purity

Theme: The Beatitudes Brethren, How are you doing today? I trust you are well. This week, we look at the second part on the blessedness of the pure in heart. This time, we shall be considering how we might grow in purity. Key Learnings points are:1. To be pure in heart means to be free from defilements. The pure heart is marked by transparency and an uncompromising desire to please God in all things. It is more than Read more…