Servant Leadership and Missions

Theme: Servant Leadership Brethren, I trust this email finds you well. This Sunday, we continue with our quarter series on Servant Leadership. Our topic is Servant Leadership and Missions. The point to be made being that, at the end of the day, our servant leadership must impact our core mandate – Missions.  Key Learning Points: One of the key attributes of Servant leadership is commitment. It is commitment that gives one the focus and impetus Read more…


Theme: Servant Leadership Brethren, I trust you are well. As we continue with our quarter theme on Servant Leadership, we come to a critical aspect of servant leadership – Stewardship. A quick look around will show many who parade as servant leaders. Yet, there is a gapping need for faithful stewardship in nearly every aspect of our national life. So, the topic this Sunday is an important one for us as individuals and as part of Read more…

Young And Old Can Be Effective Leaders

Theme: Servant Leadership Brethren, I trust you are well. This quarter, we started a journey into Servant Leadership. I trust that you have been blessed by the topics covered so far. In many cultures, it is assumed that age and experience are non-negotiable ingredients for effective leadership. But are they? That is one of the questions we shall be exploring this Sunday as we look at the topic: Young and old can be effective in Read more…

Servant Leadership Starts With Me

Theme: Servant Leadership Brethren, I trust this email finds you well. Last week, we saw Jesus Christ as our supreme example of a servant leader. And in that study, Christ reminded us that His example is not just for us to study and be amazed at, but something for us to emulate. So, this Sunday, we look at how we can walk in Jesus’ shoes of servant leadership. Our topic, Servant Leadership Starts With Me Read more…

Proclaim the Good News

Theme: The World Earnestly Awaits Your Manifestation Brethren, “I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. The Savior—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David!” These were the words with which the angel announced the birth of the Messiah on that first Christmas (Luke 2:10-11 NLT). That good news continues to be the one thing our world needs, even today.  What is this Good News? Read more…

Manifesting Purity and Holiness

Theme: The World Earnestly Awaits Your Manifestation Brethren, This is coming late. My apologies. Hope your week is going well. It is about two weeks to Christmas, when we celebrate the birth of the Holy One. In readiness for this, we pause to look at the subject of Purity and Holiness in our quarter theme, ‘The World Eagerly Awaits Your Manifestation. Key Take Aways:1. Holiness is not optional for a Christian. Holiness is to characterize everything Read more…

Manifesting Obedience

Theme: The World Earnestly Awaits Your Manifestation Brethren, Welcome to the last month of the year. May God, who has brought us this far, see us through to the end. Speaking of getting through to the end reminds one of Psalm 119:33 where the Psalmist prayed for help to obey God to the end. This brings us to our topic this Sunday – manifesting Obedience. Key learning points include: Obedience to God is not optional Read more…

Manifesting Thankfulness

Theme: The World Earnestly Awaits Your Manifestation Brethren, I trust you are well. Our topic this Sunday is Manifesting Thankfulness. Key learning points include: God expects us to thank Him for what He has done for us. Returning to thank God is how we acknowledge that God is the Source of whatever we have received. Thankfulness is an act of worship. Like the Samaritan, we must not only be quick to return and thank God, Read more…

Manifesting Patience, Self-Control, and Gentleness

Theme: The World Eagerly Awaits Your Manifestation Brethren, How has your week been? Our topic this Sunday touches on something we all desire more of: We wish others will be more patient with us, more gentle and more intact when responding to our shortcomings. And God does too. Key Learning Points:Patience, self-control, and gentleness are attributes exhibited towards others. The call to manifest these attributes is a direct call to being like Christ and allowing Him to Read more…

Manifesting the Gifts of the Spirit

Theme: The world Eagerly Awaits Your Manifestation Brethren, I trust you are well and that your week is going well. We continue our quarter series on ‘The world eagerly awaits your manifestation.’ This time, we focus on manifesting the gifts of the Spirit. See attached outline for your reference. Key Learnings include:1. The way that we use our spiritual gift(s) is much more important than which specific gift(s) we receive. The purpose of spiritual gifts is to build and Read more…