Dead to Sin, Alive to God

Theme: The power of God at Work in us Brethren, I trust you are well and encouraged in the Lord. We continue with our quarter series on The Power of God at Work in us. Last week we saw how death came through Adam, but life came through Jesus Christ. This week, we continue on that thread as we look at the topic: Dead to Sin, Alive to God. As you read the text and work through Read more…

Death Through Adam; Life Through Christ

Theme: The Power of God at Work in us Brethren, How has your week been? Our quarter series is getting more interesting. This time we are looking at the first Adam and the last Adam and what benefits, or otherwise each brought to humanity. This comparison and lessons thereon is so important for the CHristian life. The key lessons are outlined in the attache study sheet are: 1. Sin and its death penalty came to Read more…

Justification by Faith

Theme: The Power of God at Work in us Brethren, I trust this meets you well. Our quarter series on God’s Power at Work in us continues this Sunday with a look at Justification by faith. This subject of justification is so crucial for every believer to grasp. To be justified is to be forever declared innocent by God. That despite all that we have done, still do and will yet do, God’s declaration of Read more…

Abraham: Righteousness by Faith

Theme: The Power of God at Work in us Brethren, I trust that you are well and rejoicing in all that the Lord is doing in and for you. Our quarter theme on: God’s Power at work in us continues this Sunday with a look at Abraham and the matter of Righteousness by faith. Do you struggle with whether God approves of you or not; about what He thinks of you? Then you must not miss Read more…

God’s Righteousness Revealed

Theme: The Power of God at Work in Us Brethren, I trust this meets you well. Our quarter series on ‘The Power of God at work in us‘ is getting more interesting. This week we look at something many struggle with – believers and unbelievers. And that is God’s righteousness. This Sunday’s topic is: God’s Righteousness Revealed. Key Learnings are: Jews are chosen by God and custodians of the law, however, there’s a downside – we Read more…

Obedience – The Essence of the Law

Theme: The Power of God at Work in us Brethren,  I trust this email finds you well. This Sunday, we will be looking at the sticky issue of obedience as we continue in our quarter theme ‘The Power of God at work in us.’ Our topic is ‘Obedience- the essence of the Law. Key Takeaways:1. Reading, hearing, studying, and teaching the word of God without obeying it personally will not get us anywhere with God. Read more…

The Godlessness of Men

Theme: The Power of God at Work in us Brethren, I trust this email finds you well. Our quarter series takes an interesting turn to look at the godlessness of man. This is so important for us to understand if we must understand why God has such a harsh response to sin. This understanding should give us some extra impetus in our effort, as a Church, to reach men with the saving knowledge of the Lord Read more…

The Resurrection

Theme: The Power of God at Work in us Brethren, Happy Easter. Like someone said, its Friday, but Sunday is coming. And this Sunday, the main issue on every believer’s mind and even non-believers, is the resurrection. That is what we will be exploring in our study. Key Learning Points: The resurrection of Jesus Christ was an actual physical raising of Jesus’ body from the dead. And apart from His disciples, scores of other people Read more…

The Gospel of Christ

Theme: The Power of God at Work in us Brethren, I trust you are well. Welcome to Q3. Last quarter, we looked at servant leadership. This quarter, we shall be looking at Romans, as we explore the power of God at work in us. We need that power to live out the lessons from the studies on servant leadership. Our first topic for this quarter is The Gospel of Christ. Key Learning points: include1. The gospel is Read more…

Quarterly Review – A Call to Action

Theme: Servant Leadership Brethren, I trust you are well. We finally come to the end of this exciting and challenging quarter series on Servant Leadership. During the series, we saw Jesus Christ as the ultimate model of servant leadership. We also saw other examples of servant leadership in Scripture. Alongside those human examples, we looked at aspects of servant leadership, including the cost. And today we wrap up with a call to action. Key Learning Points Read more…