Theme: The Beatitudes


How are you doing today? I trust that your week has gone well so far.

This Sunday, we come to the concluding study on our quarter series on The Beatitudes. To summarize are the following key learning points:

  1. The Beatitudes are countercultural: Being poor, sorrowful, humble, hungry and thirsty for righteousness, merciful, pure in heart, a peace maker and maintainer, and those who are persecuted for doing right for Christ’s sake, or rejoicing in the face of persecution or false accusation, are the exact opposite of the world’s standards. But these are the pathway to being blessed or happy.
  2. The blessings Christ promises in the Beatitudes are a consequence of something, and not something to be pursued. They are reserved by God for a certain kind of people.
  3. The character traits contained in the Beatitudes are all required in the life of every citizen of the Kingdom of God. They are not listed for one to pick and choose one’s favourite(s) 

I hope you enjoyed the series as much as I did.

See you next quarter😊


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