Theme: Spiritual Discipline for Christian Growth
Dear All,
We opened our quarter series on Spiritual Disciplines for Christian Growth with a look at the discipline of Devotion to the word. In it we saw that God’s word is vital if we want to mature in our walk with God. This Sunday, we kick off the series with a look at the topic: Spiritual Discipline: Prayer.
Key lessons should include:
1. Because prayer is vital in our relationship with God, doing it right is crucial. So, we need to take the time to learn from Jesus how to do it.
2. Correct praying requires the discipline to not make it all about ourselves. Correct praying should cover all of the spiritual life – God’s name, His will, His Kingdom, our physical and spiritual needs, as well as our relationships with others
3. Because praying is a life and death matter, it cannot be left for when it is convenient. We must endeavor to overcome distractions or physical weaknesses which can distract us from praying.
Psalm 18:3