Theme: Nehemiah
Dear All,
Though this quarter’s theme focuses on Nehemiah. We begin with a look at Jesus’ last week on earth in human form as is fitting with the season of Easter. Our topic this Sunday is: The Triumphant Entry.
Key lessons should include:
1. When I say, “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord,” I am voluntarily, and fully, embracing the coming of, and the presence of, Jesus Christ in my life. I am proclaiming Him as my LORD. I am inviting Jesus as Lord and for His will to be done in complete disregard of what I prefer or like. I am asking Him to do it His was. I am surrendering completely to HIM.
2. God saved us through Christ in a way contrary to what humans would expect – in total humility. When I sing ‘Hossana in the highest’, I am committing to allowing God to run His world His way and saying that I will humbly follow HIS leading.
3. God clearly told us who the Messiah is – Jesus Christ of Nazareth and how HE will save us. We may not like it, but we cannot change it. Ours is to truly cry for His salvation. Not like those who loudly cried hosanna and the next day ‘crucify Him’