Theme: The impact of unsung heroes in the Bible
Topic: Jochebed: Instilling godly values
Main Texts: Exodus 2:1-10; Exodus 6:20; Micah 6:4; Hebrews 11:23
Key verse: Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it”.
Jochebed is an unsung hero of the Exodus story. Her name, which means “Yahweh is glory” or “God’s glory”, does not feature until Exodus 6:20 where she is named as the wife of Amram and mother of Aaron, and Moses. Her courageous actions of faith secured the defeat of Satan, the preservation of a nation, the fulfillment of prophecy, and the furtherance of God’s plan of salvation. Jochebed is one of several women who were involved in the events surrounding Moses’ birth: the midwives’ fear of God and their disobeying Pharaoh’s orders (Ex 1:17-20); the defiance of Moses’ mother (Ex 2:2); the compassion of the Egyptian princess, Pharaoh’s own daughter (Ex 2:6); and the availability of Moses’ own sister (Ex 2:7). In verses 1-10 all the women are anonymous, but their actions have continued to speak for thousands of years. Behind all the actions of these women, we see the providential hand of God orchestrating His purpose.
Q1.(1a) What do you think of Jochebed’s actions in Ex. 2:2-4? What risks were associated with them? (1b) If God can use bad government policy to achieve his purpose, why should we still oppose them? (1c) As believers, what should be our attitude when we don’t get acknowledged for what we do?
Paragraph 2:
It is said that, with God, there are no coincidences. At the beginning of Exodus, we are told that a “new Pharaoh arose who did not know Joseph” and all that he had done for Egypt (Ex 1:8). Motivated by fear, this Pharaoh sought to suppress the growth of the Hebrews. Slavery and forced labour having failed, he resorted to murder, ordering that every Hebrew newborn male child be killed (Exodus 1:15-22). Under Pharaoh’s decree, Moses should have been killed at birth and, by hiding him, Jochebed risked her own life. When she could hide him no longer, she constructed a watertight little ark of papyrus and placed him near where royal princesses came to bathe in the Nile which was considered sacred by Egyptians. Miriam was positioned so she could see what would happen, which suggests that this was no random act but rather a step of faith. God providentially used the daughter of Moses’ would-be murderer (Pharaoh) to override Pharaoh’s own decree and protect the life of his chosen leader of the Israelites on top of which, he made Pharaoh pay Jochebed for nursing her own son!
Q2. Read Ex. 2:5-10 and Acts 7:17-22 (2a) What can we learn from Pharaoh’s daughter? (2b) How might growing up as a member of Pharaoh’s household prepared Moses to fulfill God’s calling in his life? (2c ) “True faith” has been described as a forward-looking trust, in the face of the unknown, based on what the believer knows of God. Discuss this view of faith in relation to our daily living and the challenges we face.
Paragraph 3:
Jochebed trained three children who grew up to be the leaders of Israel in their delivery from Egyptian slavery. In this we see Jochebed obeying the Biblical injunction in Prov. 22:6 – to train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Despite having to give up her son to Pharaoh’s daughter when he had grown, her influence on him was such that when he was grown, Moses “refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God…” (Heb 11:24). While we are not told specifically that Jochebed was a praying godly mother, the evidence is irrefutable. The power of a godly mother (or father) should never be underestimated.
Q3. Miriam and Aaron rebelled against Moses (Numbers 12:1-2, 9-10) and Aaron forged a golden calf for the Israelites (Exodus 32:1, 4). (3a) If you were Jochebed, would you say all your children fulfilled their purpose and calling? What does this tell you about human frailty? (3b) As a parent, is there something you will do differently in training your children in the way of the Lord?
Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for the unsung heroes of the Bible who each played an important part in your kingdom, Help me, like them to be more focused on obedience than recognition. Amen.