Theme: Living Out Our Faith – A Study of the Life of Daniel

Topic: Seeking God through Prayer and Fasting

Main Texts: Daniel 10:1-21

Key verse: Joel 2:12 – “Now, therefore,” says the Lord, “Turn to Me with all your heart, With fasting, with weeping, and with mourning.” (NKJV)


“Prayer is the mightiest power in the universe that the believing Christian can apply. A blessed progress will develop in the assembly of God depending on how much the Christian pray and fast.” – Martin Gensichen. Jesus did not want His disciples to fast according to the worthless manner of the Pharisees, which is why He did not instruct them to do so. (Ref Matt 9:14-16). However, after He had departed from them, they learned how to pray and fast in the right way because the responsibility of fulfilling themission of the kingdom of God rested upon them. Just like Daniel, the early church understood the importance of seeking God through prayer and fasting as a way of life and a very necessary ingredient for every serious kingdom business. The apostles fasted frequently as a necessity for most assignments: Acts 13:12 (the Believers in Antioch ministered to the Lord in Prayer and fasting); Act 14:23 (Elders were brought into office with prayer and fasting); 1 Cor 7:5 (couples being admonished to fast and pray); 2 Cor 6:5 (Paul proving his ministering as a servant of God in fasting), Etc. and most notably, our Lord and Savior Jesus, before starting His earthly ministry (Read Luke 4:1-14).

Q1.(1a) what is fasting? Read Dan 10:1-12; Joel 2:12; Ps 35:13. (1b) why should a believer fast? (1c) What is the place of Fasting and Prayer in our walk with God?

Paragraph 2:

Fasting is a voluntary abstinence from food and other things, for a spiritual purpose. It is also a way of humbling ourselves before the Lord just like Daniel humbled himself in seeking the face of the Lord in prayer and fasting by fasting for three weeks (21 days). It is no surprise that most of the highly developed spiritual giants of the bible are those who embarked on long fasting periods. Our Lord Jesus Christ was led up by the spirit into the wilderness and He fasted for forty days and forty nights (Luke 4: 1-14; Matt 4:1-11); Moses, when he ascended to the mountain, was there with God for forty days and forty nights, neither eating bread nor drinking water (Exo 34:28); also, Elijah, the man that stood in the presence of God and who called down fire from heaven, walked for forty days and forty nights to mount Horeb, the mountain of God (1 Kings 19:8). Other examples are Anna the prophetess, David, John the Baptist, Apostle Paul and others. Like every single example in the scripture, Daniel had a unique divine encounter and revelation as he sought the face of God in prayer and fasting. It is important to note that the fasting that accomplishes the purpose of God is Spirit-led.

Q2. (2a) let participants describe and discuss the manifestations and encounters that Daniel had during his 21 days of prayer and fasting. (2b) what are some of the benefits of seeking God in prayer and fasting? (Esther 4:15-17; Joel 2:12-17; Luke 4:1-2, 14; Matt 17:14-21; Acts 13:1-3); (2c) Let Participants discuss the place of long fasting and prayers in our walk with God (also Read Ezra 8:21-23; Jonah 3:7-10; 2 Chron 20:1-4).

Paragraph 3:

“We do not fast to merit favor from God or as a penance… Fasting is the most powerful means at the disposal of every child of God” – Rev Franklin Hall. Fasting should be part and parcel of a normal Christian life. When Jesus spoke about fasting in Matt 6:5-18, He did not say, “If you fast,” but “when you fast.” He thus put fasting on precisely the same level as giving to the needy and praying. When He said, “when you fast,” He assumed that they would practice fasting as a way of life and not just a probability. As a way of life, it should not just be a religious exercise or ritual, rather should be done with understanding and commitment to reaping the most benefit out of our walk with God. When we fast, we should never lose sight of the fact that our fast must be to the glory of God.

Q3.(3a) Read Isa 58: 1-14; Matt 6:16; what are the types of Fasting that God ACCEPTS and ABHORS? (3b) Let participants discuss the practical steps and guidance for effective fasting (3c) share personal testimonies you have had from your fasting experience.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for the privilege to seek your face, partner with you in prayer and fasting, help me today to commit to a life that seeks a deeper walk and experience with you in the place of prayer and fasting.