Theme: Living Out Our Faith – A Study of the Life of Daniel

Topic: Leading Revival through Repentance and Prayer

Main Texts: Daniel 9:1-27

Key verse: Daniel 9:19 – ‘O Lord, hear! O Lord, forgive! O Lord, listen and act! Do not delay for Your own sake, my God, for Your city and Your people are called by Your name.’ (NKJV)


In addition to other themes such as God’s sovereignty over all creation and the universe, prayer and revival are also major themes in the book of Daniel. On multiple occasions, we see Daniel praying, with his prayers resulting in outcomes that affected the entire nation, as well as altering a heathen king’s and society’s perspective on God. In today’s passage, we observe Daniel turning to God in prayer once again after reading the writings of the prophet Jeremiah. Although the prophecy spoke of a 70-year captivity, Daniel noticed that there were no visible signs of the exile coming to an end. In response, he earnestly prayed. His prayer led to a personal spiritual awakening. Daniel’s prayer expressed a deep awareness of sin and the need for confession, as he aligned himself with God’s will and sought Gods mercy and intervention for the sake of His name.

Q1. (1a) In Daniel 9:1-3, Daniel seeks God through prayer and fasting after reading Jerimiah’s prophecy. Why do you think it was important for Daniel to respond to God’s word with prayer and repentance? (1b) Daniel 9:4-6 records Daniels prayer of confession for His people. Why does Daniel not only confess his own sins but also the sins of the entire nation? (1c) How can corporate confession and repentance play a role in leading a revival?

Paragraph 2:

Just as Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the king’s food upon arriving in Babylon (Daniel 1:8), he also set his heart on seeking God’s face regarding the end of the captivity. Although abstaining from the king’s food was a difficult challenge, it was accomplished. Similarly, Daniel approached God with the same determination and intentionality, beginning his prayer by acknowledging God’s greatness and righteousness before pouring out his heart to the One who alone could deliver them. As he prayed, Daniel was drawn into God’s presence, where God’s holiness revealed human sinfulness, leading to a spontaneous confession of both his own sins and those of the nation. As 1John 1:9 reminds us, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness”. This forgiveness opens the doorway to revival in our personal lives and communities.

Q2. (2a) In Daniel 9:7-8, Daniel acknowledges that God is righteous, and the people are covered with shame due to their disobedience. How does recognizing God’s righteousness and our sinfulness prepare the way for personal and community revival? (2b) Daniel 9:9 emphasizes that despite Israel’s rebellion, God is merciful and forgiving. How does understanding God’s mercy motivate genuine repentance and fuel a desire for spiritual renewal? (2c) How can we relate these principles to our lives?

Paragraph 3:

Daniel’s prayer exemplifies the parable Jesus shared with His disciples in Luke 18:1, where He taught them ‘ …that men always ought to pray and not lose heart’. Although the exact duration of Daniel’s prayer is not mentioned, it seems he persisted in prayer until something happened. He prayed with perseverance, much like Jesus emphasized in Luke 18:7-8: “And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them? I tell you that He will avenge them speedily ….’. Daniel remained steadfast in prayer until he received a visitation from the angel Gabriel, who came to give him insight and understanding (Daniel 9:22). Revival cannot occur without prayer. It is through prayer that God’s people humble themselves, repent of their sins, and seek His face. Whether individually or corporately, prayer establishes the foundation for revival, inviting God’s presence, power, and mercy to transform hearts, lives, and entire communities.

Q3. (3a) In Daniel 9:16-19, Daniel pleads with God on behalf of his people. How does Daniel’s intercessory prayer model the way we should pray for revival in our families, churches, and communities? (3b) God responds swiftly to Daniel’s prayer through the angel Gabriel (Daniel 9:20- 23).. What does this reveal about God’s readiness to respond to sincere prayers of repentance? How can this encourage us in seeking revival today? (3c) Share how you will apply these lessons this week.

Prayer: Our dear heavenly Father, we thank You for showing us that prayer lays the foundation for revival. May we, like Daniel be persistent in praying for revival for ourselves and our community. Amen.