Theme: Living Out Our Faith – A Study of The Life of Daniel

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Please find attached the Bible Study Outline for 1 September 2023 on the topic “God’s Revelation of the End Time”.  This is the next study in our Quarter Series on Living out Our Faith – A Study of the Life of Daniel.  The main text is Daniel 8:1-27 and the key learning points are as follows:

1.    God gives wisdom and knowledge; He reveals deep and secret things to His children so that they can be aware of what is to come and be prepared. This is because of His great love for us.
2.    The end times will be characterized by gross disobedience, desecration of the Lord’s Temple and of the ways of God. Many will be deceived and it will look like the devil is winning. But we must not lose heart for in the end, Jesus will have the victory.
3.    We can glory in the knowledge that our God is all-powerful (omnipotent) and all-knowing (omniscient) and He is in complete control of all that happens on the earth, past present, and future.

Yours in His service

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