Theme: Living Out Our Faith – A Study of the Life of Daniel

Good day Brothers and Sisters,

Welcome to the second half of 2024!

I am pleased to attach the first Bible Study Outline of our exciting new series for Quarter 3 entitled Living Out Our Faith – A Study of the Life of Daniel. The topic of this first study is “Do not conform to the World”. Our text is Daniel 1:1-21. The key learning points are as follows:

1. As believers, we are called not to conform to the world. We must purpose in our hearts not “defile ourselves” with the things of the world. Daniel 1:8
2. To purpose in our hearts is a good start; we must also act on that purpose, speaking up and trusting God to keep us or help us deal with the consequences of our obedience whatever they might be. Daniel 1:11-14
3. We may be rewarded for our obedience in this world (Daniel 1:15-20), or we may “lose our life (or reputation)” for His sake (Mt 16:24-25). There is a cost to pay for obedient discipleship that leads us to speak out against the evil around us. There is an even greater cost to pay for disobedience.

Yours in His service

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