Theme:The Urgency of The Last Days


Good evening. I trust this email finds you well.

Welcome to the last quarter of the year. And fittingly, we shall be considering as our quarter theme- The urgency of the Last Days. Fitting because, as our topic for this Sunday shows, the signs of Jesus’ second coming are all over the place.

Key Learning points of the study are:
1. Adverse world events form one of the signs Jesus gave as a signal to His coming. Matt 24:6-7, 15-21 These include:
a. Wars and rumors of wars,
b. Nations rising against nations (most of them are already happening)
2. Another sign of His coming is deception Matt 24:4-5, 11-12:
a. Many will come in His name deceiving people (as we have even now)
b. Increasing embrace of false teaching.
c. Increase in hatred of and persecution of believers, as we are seeing even in previously ‘Christian friendly’ nations.
3. A positive sign in all this is that the gospel will continue to be preached (Matt 24:14; Philippians 1:28)
a. We do this because we do not know the day or the hour.
b. We do it because we know we are on the winning side.
c. We need to keep working to save as many as possible.

See attached outline for your further reference.

See you on Sunday.


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